Old Friends, New Enemies

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Carrier life was different than that of our normal lives. I had grown used to hunting and flying free. Well, carrier life sort of is our normal lives. I sat, eating some bland of meet meant for dragons. They say that it gives Draco Recruits the nutrition they need for half the cost, but it tasted like raw fish and smelled even more so. I had grown used to the chatter of the hundreds of Marines and sailors eating in the Chow Hall, and would constantly listen in on random peoples conversations.

It was interesting. I got to hear of things I hadn’t before. One example was the captain’s table. They always talked of new mission directs and what missions were to be the most dangerous. Most of these were executed by Firedrake and Taro. Once I had finished my meal, I decided to sit for a while. The TV’s inside the large room were extremely loud and I could hear them from my room, which was about 3 floors down.

It was always tuned to BBC News, so I had no shortage of information when it came to hearing things ’Through the grape vine’. they had an interesting discussion going. It was on Americas growing Debt and how the president had “Pulled us out” of one of the greatest depressions the country had ever seen. What bull crap. Suddenly it changed to some breaking news, which immediately caught my attention. <This just in. It seems that there has been some sort of nuclear explosion in Baghdad, where rumor of a WMD or Weapon Of Mass Destruction was supposedly spotted.>

My heart stopped. Firedrake and Taro were in Baghdad. The once noisy room had now grown deathly silent as everyone turned t the TV’s. <We think that this was the work of a Warlord that had arose a few years ago. This man has executed similar attacks on many monuments that once made countries proud. A few of these examples are the Eifel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Ancient Temple of Jerusalem.> the man on the TV said as it showed pictures of these once great monuments which were now turned to rubble.

“Taro.” I whispered before breaking into a run toward the bridge of the Carrier. As I ran, I pushed many humans out of my way. Most seemed like they hadn’t heard of the NUKE. I bust through the door and ran onto the Flight Deck, where there were multiple F/A-37’s waiting to take off. I looked to the Bridge, before leaping into the air. The wind on the Flight Deck was choppy, but I managed to fly to the Bridge safely.

As I reached the door to the Command room, the captain stopped me. “Faline. We need you to report to conference room 4!” he ordered me. He had obviously heard the news and was running toward below the deck, where the Conference rooms waited. I quickly followed behind him and we soon came to Conference Room 4 where at least 50 to 70 men were working at computers. They were all trying to learn the full effect of the blast.

We quickly walked past them and made it to a large table with an extremely oversized TV screen looking over one side of it. “What’s going on!” I commanded the many Officers that were seated at the table. “The NUKE we were going after went off. What do you think happened!” one of the men replied. They were obviously stressed about what had happened. “Have you heard anything from Taro, or Firedrake?” I asked. My tone had grown afraid. “No. We had over 1,000 troupes in the blast radius, but we haven’t heard from any of them.” another man replied, shaking his head slightly as the TV came to life with the Presidents on it.

“What the Hell is going on over there!” he commanded. “Sir, there has been a Nuclear explosion in the Iranian capitol Baghdad.” the captain replied. His voice had gone from stressed to respective. “Casualties?” the President asked in almost a whisper. “We determined that it will be in the millions. The Fallout should land across most of Africa, Europe, and Asia within the next day” the Captain replied. The president sighed. “What about Combat Casualties?” he asked. “All the troops we had stationed in a 400 mile radius of the NUKE are COLD (No communications at the current time).”the captain replied.

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