Part 1

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"Amy Margold!" I said exasperated as I entered my little daughter's brightly lit room

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"Amy Margold!" I said exasperated as I entered my little daughter's brightly lit room. "For the thousandth time in the past hour... Go to bed!" I said to her.

Amy was lying on her pink sheeted bed, with her elbows propped up and her head was resting on her palms. Her eyes were fixed onto the TV screen in front of her. She was so absorbed in her show that she did not notice me standing there with my arms sternly crossed. I was trying to give her the clear impression that I was really really mad.

And she did not do as much as to even look at me.

"Bed Time" I repeated a bit more loudly, trying to break her gaze from her TV set.

Yes, her TV set.

Now which moronic parent would let a six year old have her own TV in her bed room?

Oh yeah, that's right.

That would be me.

"Now!" I raised my voice with a hint of authority while tapping my foot. Something I learned from my aimless time watching Oprah. This shows the children you are upset with them. It prevents the unnecessary shouting.

"Awh, Dad" she whined, flipping onto her back to look at me. "I don't wanna go to sleep yet". She rubbed her eyes and prevented a yawn from escaping her lips.

Kids. They will still disagree with us no matter how right we actually are.

"But you have to" I replied, impatiently picking up the remote and turning the television off. "Why?" she asked and sat up. Looking at me once more; expecting a reasonable answer any parent was suppose to give. Something like 'You have school in the morning' or 'you would get tired'. That's what a responsible and mature parent would say. But no.

All I had to offer was "Because....because I said so!"


So much for being mature.

She looked at me and scrunched up her face for a bit before relaxing her cheeks and giving me her famous 'Please can I get it my way by emotionally blackmailing my father?' look. I uncrossed my arms and deeply sighed.

She succeeded yet again.

"Oh, alright" I agreed. "Lights out in 5..."

"15 minutes" she bargained.



Amy then jumped back to her former position and resumed watching TV. I left her room promising myself this would be the last time she would get it her way with her 'face'.

Like the past countless times she wins anyway, but nevertheless I hoped she would be a good girl and go to bed on the time she bargained for.

And it would rain money.

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