Part 10

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"Daddy?" I turned to look at Amy's small face peeking out from the side of the doorframe.

"Yes, Amy?" I beckoned her with my hands. She came to me and settled on my lap.

"I thought you were still in my room" Amy rubbed her eyes, signifying that she got up directly from bed to see where I was. When Amy dropped her hands, she looked at me with a very strange face, almost pensive. She titled her head and sucked in her cheeks as if musing about something.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her, almost amused. Must be interesting to know what goes on in that six year old head of hers.

Instead of shrugging the question away, like she usually does, Amy gently threw her arms around my neck and gave me a very surprising hug.

"I have the best Daddy in the world" she whispered in my ears, her arms still wrapped carefully around my neck.

I remember my mouth open, as if to say something. But unable to find any other word, I hugged her in return.

"I love you too, Amy" I replied.

She let go and gave me a very mischievous smile. "So since I am not sleepy anymore...."

Amy grinned, "Can I watch Tv?"

Amy, expecting me to be angry, was quite surprised when I hugged her and laughed. And then said something to her that no parent should ever say to a six year old...

"Do you want to go out for ice cream?"

You could practically hear the 'joy to the lord' chorus playing around her head. Her eyes grew wide, almost with shock and partially because I made a six year olds dream come true.

Ice cream at midnight. What more could a kid ask for?

She nodded her head vigorously and ran upstairs to grab a jacket.

As I watched her go, something else came to me. My wife was gone, yes, but she left me a wonderful gift to continuously remind me how to remain happy. Parts of me still strongly wished she were here with me, to venture into the unknown realms of parenthood. But parts of me were almost as glad that now I get to learn how to do it on my own.

On my own...

"Let's go!" Amy said happily, running down the stairs, over to the side of the front door.

My wife will never be forgotten....

"Let's go" I repeated as we made our way to the car.

She'll always be there...

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" I asked Amy as I turned the ignition on.

With me...

"Umm..." Amy tapped her finger on the side of her chin.

With us...

They held her breath, and grinned at me "Belgium dark chocolate with peanut butter chips and marshmallow" I smiled back. I should have known.

My Amy.


Last part is out! Oh my heart. *Sighs*. If you have any feedback or reviews, let me know what you think! :) Meanwhile, I have a new short story up, with picture stories called PicTales :)

 If you have any feedback or reviews, let me know what you think! :) Meanwhile, I have a new short story up, with picture stories called PicTales :)

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