Part 7

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"Five months" I told myself while grabbing the blue cotton bedspread from the closet

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"Five months" I told myself while grabbing the blue cotton bedspread from the closet. "Five more months and I won't have to deal with this anymore". I continued to grumble and whine as I went outside, to our backyard. Countless number of times have I done the most outrageous things for her. And the most annoying part is they all involve me getting up in the middle of the night. Last week, she woke me up at 4:30 a.m. All because she wanted to eat apple pie. Apple Pie for crying out loud. And no, not the ones you get in shops. She wanted me to make it.

Yes, you heard me. I made apple pie for my dear pregnant wife, till the break of dawn. And that's not even the worst part. When I finally made it for her, she was fast asleep and refused to get up to eat any of it.

My office had a field day when I told them why I was late for work that day.

And now, she not only made me go to the nearest grocery to get her the pint of ice cream, (Which was happily unavailable. So that made me drive to a farther shop in nothing but a faded Lord of the Rings t-shirt and Daffy Ducks shorts, to get it) but now she wanted to sit outside and look at the sky for the reasons of 'it's a beautiful night' and 'I just feel like it'.

Stupid pregnancy insensible wants. They should be sued. I wonder if there is a law for that...

I walked out to the lawn and laid out the blanket on the dewy grass. Amy sat down in the middle and stretched her swollen legs in front of her. She had her triumph, mixed satisfied look on her face. She got what she wanted after all.

Now doesn't she always?

Despite myself, I was smiling at the sight of her happily pigging away with ice cream. All this while, I could never imagine her as a mother figure. Heck, I could never imagine myself as some one's father either. We were practically kids ourselves. Just stuck in an adult's body, I suppose. We couldn't think of ourselves doing parental stuff like, tell our kids to not fight over the remote, but we still could. Or, telling them to not jump on the couch, while we still can. Nevertheless the word: 'parents' did excite us in some way.

And sometimes, I figured, even though we use to think that we might not turn out be the best parents in the world, fate does seem to play about in some very unique ways.

Just look at us now, Amy is 5 months due and I am just a grumpy waiting father to-be. Maybe this part of our fate might be an excellent addition to our lives. Or rather, it was getting ready to be.

Amy's usual fair complexioned face was stained pink most of the time. I often catch her looking at herself in the dressing room mirror. Posing from all the sides of her stomach, while trying one set of clothes after another. Her falling into a small periods of utmost happiness when she realizes she still fits into some of her clothes. Or her sudden periods of gloom when her favorite denim skirt refuses to button up. To cure herself, she visits our half made nursery and just stands there on the doorway, imagining all the things that had to do with the baby coming. And nothing would perk her up more.

Sometimes I would just watch her, and sometimes I would walk up to her and silently hug her from behind, as both of us stand there looking into all the empty spaces of the room, wondering about the new life to come. Our new future.

"Why are you smiling to yourself like a lunatic?" Amy brought me back to reality and the sight of her still stuffing herself with the object of her desire- for tonight.

I wanted to tell her, but then it would just make her even more self-conscious about her 'bump'.

"Nothing" I was yawning again as I sat down next to her. Sleep was definitely inviting me and there was nothing I wanted more but to give in. Honestly. All I wanted was a good nights, restful sleep. Was that so hard to ask for?

Amy stuck a pink plastic spoon in my face, offering me some of the brown goop that just made my stomache lurch. I nodded my head, refusing it and laid down instead. No harm in catching 40 winks out here. "Wake me up when you are ready to go inside" I told her, feeling completely disoriented.

"Thanks Ry" Amy whispered, meaning the ice cream hunt I did for her.

I smiled lazily "Sure Hun. Your welcome"

And soon after that, I collapsed into blissful sleep.

"Hey Ry?"

Or maybe not.



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