Part 2

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I turned around to meet her thoughtful face

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I turned around to meet her thoughtful face. At the same time I felt a lump suddenly basking at the pit of my throat. She didn't look sad or upset. Just a steady look on her face. So before she could make up her mind with her personal answer, I decided to say something "No..." I croaked and cleared my voice "No honey" I said once again, trying to bring assurance in my words.

"Who said we were a broken family?" I tried to recall all the moments that I had tried to make Amy feel we were complete. Had I failed? At the same time I also tried to recall if there was a time that I deprived her of anything.

"Katy said that..." Amy began to say with an obvious frown.

"Never mind what Katy said" I said to her and sat down next to her again.

Katy was Amy's worstest enemies. That girl could make a terrorist cry with her words. Her parents aren't that different actually. Katy's dad might be well off in terms of money, but he doesn't even know the basics of parenthood. Let alone a match of my capable cooking abilities.

So when Amy said Katy's name, I immediately excused her question. I figured that Katy must have said something to Amy about her not having a mother. Whatever that girl said was nothing but a big deal of Bull-

"Daddy...." Amy said in that soft voice again. The hesitation was prominent. She seemed to be picking her next words very carefully.

"Why did God take Mommy away?" I felt my shoulders droop. The forgotten part of my mind was familiarizing itself again. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around her. We don't usually talk about Amy's mother's death. It dampens my mood as well as hers.

"Well..." I shuffled a bit till Amy head was resting in my arms, and mine on her pillow. "God has angels right?" I touched her nose with my finger causing her to smile "So when God sent your mom on earth, she was actually and angel in disguise" I was praying that this reason might satisfy her inquisitive nature for the time being. "And then god became lonely so he asked her to come back". I looked down at her, once again trying to force a smile. But all that came out was a lopsided facial expression.

"But Daddy..." Amy said slowly, as if contemplating on what I just told her. "Doesn't God know that now we are lonely because of him? He is so selfish!" she huffed, pouting her lips. "We are not lonely" I laughed a bit. A six year old cursing the almighty has to be the most innocent sign of blasphemy. "We have each other right?" I hugged her tightly as if proving my point.

"Yeah..." her voice trailed away. Another question, I presumed was coming.

"Daddy, was Mommy pretty?" she smiled at that question, touching my arm, her eyes urging me to tell her more. The pictures we have of her are never enough. "Yes, Amy" I smiled back, smoothening the curls on the side of her face and tucking some behind her ear. "She was as pretty as you are".

Amy then closed her eyes and tried to stifle another yawn but failed, clearly indicating that question and answer time was officially over.

For now.

After a brief moment she whispered "Daddy?" her eyes were still closed.


"I'm glad Mommy and I have the same name" she sighed happily in my arms, and soon enough she was fast asleep.

I looked down once again at her content face and couldn't help smiling to myself. Amy was so much like her mother in more ways that she knew. Her copper curls, green eyes, they way she pouted, whined, laughed and almost everything she did made me think of her mother, Amy.

I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes as Amy slept quietly in my arms. I thought that the 'angel' excuse for good for another 3 years. I began believing in it myself. But something about that reason kept bothering me. What about after those three years? When she was 10 or a teenager? Then she would have to know the truth. She would demand for it in fact. Then I won't have an option. I would have to tell her what happened to her mother.

Then, I decided, I would have to start believing in the truth as well.

Suddenly Amy whined in her sleep and shifted her arm around my side hence preventing me from leaving without waking her up.

Oh well.

I kicked my shoes off and nestled myself next to her. I guess I would be sleeping with her tonight.

Thank god I bought a big bed for her.

I closed my eyes and felt sleep coming in. At the same time I couldn't help grinning at the remembrance of a memory.

How I actually met her. 

How I met Amy....


Aaaaand break. Still not sure of his tone of voice though. Is this how father's talk to their little girls? Hmmm....

 Is this how father's talk to their little girls? Hmmm

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