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Bright orange sun beaming through the car window woke me up. It's been a whole day. We stopped off at a b&b last night to sleep then we hit the road again early this morning.

"We are finally here" my dad said with a sigh of relief, he must be tired from all the driving from the last day and a half.

"It's six o clock girls so we were thinking of parking the car on the pier and go grab something to eat, sound ok to you" mom suggested.

"Great" Saoirse said.

"Then let's go" I chimed in.

We parked our car near the beach and we are now walking to find somewhere good to eat.

"Look at the sunset and the beach Al, we get to see this every evening". Saoirse said from beside me.

"It is quite nice" I admitted. I'm not going to lie, Santa Monica is beautiful, I just don't know if it's for me.

Mom and Dad soon halted to a stop outside a busy looking restaurant.

"If it's busy, it must be good" Dad said enthusiastically.

I was starving so we all started to pick up our pace towards the door until I halted. I can't I can't I can't my thoughts started spiralling, thinking of a million and one reasons for me not to go inside. My breathing became heavy and my pulse was going so fast I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. My breathe continued to come out short, fast and heavy. When my family soon realised I'd halted they came back.

"It's okay Ailbhe, it's only a restaurant that's a little busy. Come on let's go inside" Mom says in the hope it will comfort me.

"Mom, Dad you head inside and grab a table for us, I will help Ailbhe" Saoirse said reassuringly.

As Mom and Dad headed towards the door, they kept glancing back with worry.

"It's okay Ailbhe, think about it, what can possibly go wrong in this restaurant today, think logically now"

"Nothing" I admitted as sweat trickled down my forehead, I was a mess.

"Okay good now lets walk inside and eat because I'm starving". Saoirse laughed.

We joined Mom and Dad in the packed out restaurant, they grabbed us menus. Once we all knew what we wanted we tried to get one of the waiters attention from our booth in the corner.  Finally a young waiter that looked about mine and Saoirses age spots us and walks towards us. Why is he a guy, why is he I guy I thought over and over. I started to bite my lip with anxiousness.

"What can I get you" he smiled down at us or in more particular Saoirse. She started to blush as he took her order. It's not as if I'm bothered by this but do I seriously give off the don't come near me aroma because this happens all the time. Of course the guy at the restaurant is flirting with my sister. Even though we look exactly alike. 

I came back from my thoughts as the waiter is looking down at me to take my order. Did he finally stop gazing at my sister to even notice the rest of us needed to take our order.

"So do you know what you want yet or should I give you a minute" he asks with a smile. I can't concentrate on what I was getting due to his big brown eyes staring at me.

"Im um going to have the um beef burger and fries please, with a coke" I finally choked out. Why am I so good at embarrassing myself.

"Okay cool, I'll just put those in for you" he smiled again, he really just doesn't stop smiling does he. I didn't realise I was staring at him walk away until I was snapped out of it by Saoirse.

"Someone likes the waiter" she starts to whisper chant.

"Shut up, no I don't" I argued.

"Whatever you say" she hums with that grin on her face.

"Anyways he was so into you" I say to her.

"We were only talking Ailbhe. I flirt with everyone, remember" she laughs off.

I don't bother to respond. About 10 minutes later he comes back with our food, carrying all four plates. I always wonder how waiters do that.

"Now is everything okay for you here" he inquires glancing at our parents.

"Perfect, thanks very much" they chimed, they were to busy looking at their food to look up.

Just as he was going to leave and as my parents were distracted by their dinner, he dropped a small piece of paper beside my drink. I looked up, he winked at me and walked off. I nearly choked on my fries.

"I think that's for you Saoirse" I said as I passed her the note without a second thought. It was obviously for her.

"I don't think so Al, he gave it to you, did you not see that wink he gave you" she giggled.

"Please take it Saoirse it must be some mistake" I insisted.

"Nope" she said as she started to eat her steak.

"I don't know what to do with it" I told her.

"Open it and see" she encourages me.

"Fine" I huff. Why is there apart of me that actually wants to open it. Written on the note was his number and name. Noah. I try to stop the smile creeping it's way up my lips. I feel myself start to go red. I look up and see him behind the desk smiling at me and for once I actually smile back.


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