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"Loosen up" Noah shouts through the load music. At the minute he is trying to get me to dance with him but I'm refusing.

"Its not that easy for me to dance in front of all these people, if you haven't noticed I'm not as confident as my sister" I tell him as he is still trying to get me to twirl under his arm. At this rate Noah has consumed a good amount of beer because I feel like I wouldn't catch him dancing on any other regular day.

"Come on Ailbhe, please" he begs with puppy dog eyes. I really cant refuse any longer so I give him a twirl and all of a Sudden my feet are off the ground and Noah is spinning me around in the air. Through my uncontainable laughter I try to tell him to put me down.

"Please Noah, I'm far to heavy for you to lift, I will break your back" I tell him.

As Noah lifts me down he whispers in my ear and says " you are far from to heavy for me to lift babe" I had to laugh at that.

"What, what's so funny tell me" he questions.

"You calling me babe and your just funny when your drunk" I say.

"I am not drunk" he says with spaces between his words as he stops to think about what word he has to say next.

"Really, are you sure about that because your breath reeks of alcohol" I tell him with a laugh and a smirk.

"I'm not drunk I just had a lot to drink" he says. How does that even make sense I laugh to myself.

"Okay keep telling yourself that" I say.

"Let me introduce you to my friends so you will know a few familiar faces when you start school" he tells me. He leads me a few feet away from where were dancing. We reach a group of about three tall guys all with a beer in hand and laughing about something.

"There he is,have you come back from the dead" says one of the guys.

"This is Ailbhe, she is starting school with us next week" says Noah but in a dazed sort of way.

"This is Charlie" Noah said pointing to the tall muscular blond with blue eyes and a chiselled jaw line. "Hey" Charlie nodded in my direction. "don't mean to be rude or anything Ailbhe but I thought we met earlier and you introduced yourself as Saoirse" Charlie said with confusion.

I laughed at this. "No you saw my twin sister" I laugh as I explain.

"Well that would explain it, I thought I had a bit too much to drink there for a moment" he laughed.

"Okay now that the twin confusion is out of that way, this is Harry" Noah said pointing towards the tallest of the group, bright green eyes and brown hair.

"And last but not least Ryan" Ryan was the smallest but was still a good bit taller than me he also had brown hair but with blue eyes.

"Now that introductions are out of the way let's walk on the beach, see you later guys" Noah announced to the group. I said goodbye to the guys and then we headed down near the water. As we were walking out of the busiest part of the beach I caught my sisters eye, she waved giddily at me and then continued taking to the guy she was with. Is it bad that I feel a tad bit sorry him. She's a nightmare when she's drunk.

"So tell me what brings you to Santa Monica" Noah asks.

"Well my Mom got transferred hospitals she's a doctor and that's pretty much it" I tell him honestly.

"How do you like it here so far" he asks as we walk by the water.

"It's fine I guess I don't usually take well to new things but so far nothing terrible has happened so we will see how school goes"

"I think you will like it" he tells with such certainty.

"How are you so sure" I ask.

"Because I'm going to be there" he smirks while trying to hold my gaze.

I want to change the subject so I ask "So can I ask you about you, tell me about yourself"

"There is not much to say" he admits.
"I live with my parents and my little sister Clara. She's ten. I really don't have any interesting background story" he looks at me and laughs.

"Let's dance again, it's funny when you look embarrassed" he says

"Shut up" I say as he grabs my hands and spins me around. I feel his hands on my waste as he picks me up from the ground and I freeze. I've never had a boy pick me up before so I automatically become nervous about him touching me but after a few seconds I'm in hysterics laughing as I'm flung over his shoulder and he is running around the beach. I'm laughing so much I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"Put me down" I yell but I just erupt into another set of giggles. Once he finally lays me down on the beach he hovers over me, looks at my face for what feels like forever and then from out of no where he starts to tickle me, up and down my whole body. More laughing, this is just great, if this boy doesn't stop making me laugh I'm seriously going to throw up.

We were both just laying on the beach in comfortable silence until it finally dawns on me to check the time. Shit! It's 12:00 am, I am so dead.

"Noah I better go it's 12:00 am my parents will kill me and I have to find my sister" I said rushing to get up.

Once we found my sister at around 12:20 it was definitely time to go home.

"See you in school Ailbhe" Noah said to me when we said our goodbyes.

On the walk home Saoirse was so annoying she wouldn't stop talking for five secounds. But she did say something that struck me.

"You didn't panic" she slurred. I think back through the whole night and not once did I freak out over something stupid and want to leave. Dare I say I actually had fun and let go a little. The only problem is that I think it was all down to one certain brown eyed boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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