First Entry

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A/N: This is actually the story of my life except with a few exaggerations but trust me, my descriptions of people are completely un-exaggerated. I'm serious about them.LOL. Anyway, enjoy; get your friends to read and tell them to get their own friends to read please I beg; I need to know if I should keep writing. I put this in the category of Teen fiction because honestly, it is a little bit.  Thank you guys for reading.

And to those who had been previously following, I renamed most of the characters because it was getting personal. I apologise. We all still know who we're talking about😉. I love you guys so much for reading. Thanks again❤ Without further ado, my diary:


Dear diary,

I promised myself I'd never write in you, but I'm losing my mind from keeping it all in so I'm making a pen and paper my best friend. Am I mental?

Anyways, I'm always too busy with homework and daydreaming so I won't write about my day EVERY  day; but I guess I'll start by telling you about me.

Have you ever felt like you're practically invisible to everyone? Welcome to my world.

My name is Ruby and I'm a 14 year old in the 11th grade. How come I'm barely 15 and almost in senior year? Well, I also happen to be the school nerd. I started school at an early age and got to skip three classes.

I'm the kid among adults in my entire class and teachers' pet. I've been the best in class since Kindergarten and that has earned me both respect and contempt; but mostly contempt.

Being that I'm in a class with people older than I am by at least 2 years, I'm also class misfit. I can't do most of the things they do. I think it's safe to say I'm class baby. I've also been class president since I've known what a class president is so I guess it's a little weird I'm invisible to everyone.

Okay, the thing is I'm not exactly INVISIBLE. Technically, a lot of people know me,  but I'm not accepted socially. I've been made a loner. I sit on my own during lunch and have no crew to hang out with or spend free period with. I've been rejected by every single category of people in school.

I don't fit in with the jocks because I can't do sports. It's not that I'm terrible at sports or something. I never even tried. Every once in a while when I stress my knees, the joint shifts and then I need help putting it back and trust me it hurts A LOT. So I got my mum to talk to the school and I've been exempted from most sports. PITY.

I also don't fit in with the popular crew. I don't have parents that have influence, neither do I know how to be a bitch. I also lack the crazy good looks that can make boys drool when I walk by. I lack the body too because here where I live, the boys like a little more "Junk in the trunk" so I obviously have no appeal whatsoever.

I was even rejected by nerds. They said something about me being too "knowing" and also too popular - yes! I told you quite a few people know me - considering I've always been class president and/or a prefect so, I apparently don't fit in with them.

The only place I did fit in, is the school choir. Mainly because when I want to, I have the voice that can bring peace to troubled hearts -or so our music instructor says. Who am I to argue? I barely exist - but that doesn't make the other members of the choir hang out with me after rehearsals and music period. I don't blame them, they have their reputations to protect.

Aside the school choir, the only other people that acknowledge my existence in school are some of the students in middle school who think- and i quote -"I'm a paragon of knowledge." That's not true though. I haven't mastered the art of solving sudoku in 30 seconds or quoting an entire encyclopedia. Neither have I levelled up to Aristotle or Socrates so I'm still learning.

Pitiful story, right? But it's my story.

Here's the worst part about being invisible: LEMUEL. That is the name of the boy that has had the power to make my breath hitch by just looking at me ever since 9th grade. To make things worse, he's a Jock that also belongs with the popular crew. He plays every outdoor sport that our school offers and a few indoor sports too. He also has superhuman good looks: Beautiful oily ebony skin that literally glows when he's out in the sun and sweating. Muscles that flex by any slight movement of his arms; they look like they're going to rip his letterman jacket at every seam, big hands with so much calluses from all the sports he plays and the few fights he gets in. Jet black curly hair that is cut low. Big brown eyes that plunges into my soul at every look he gives me - which is weird because I doubt he ever notices me, he just glances at me at times when I'm in the way of something else he wants to see (or so I think) - making me forget how to breathe. I'm dead serious about that. I think you understand how he's even in the popular crew; but shocker, thats not really why he's in the popular crew. He and his twin sister Caroline(Yes he has a twin and she looks nothing like him; but she is pretty in her own way. Very, very, very, very pretty. Her hair is cut low too but it suits her long face. Actually, she's built quite like me. Lanky yet short. Not very curvy but not entirely flat.) have parents that have been super tight friends with the principal since forever so they actually have a say in school matters. The looks are just an added advantage. Heck, I'm sure if I was asked to write his autobiography, I could. I know he's in a class lower than mine only because of my super "geekiness". I know his birthday, address, favorites of most things, his class schedule, name of his perfume; I even know he stayed in his mother's womb 17 minutes after his sister had been born doing God knows what(Talk about unrequited love) while I'm not even sure he knows what I look like even though he should because he's also in the school choir and plays every instrument(Talk about an all-rounder).

Point blank, I'm obsessed.

And today I knew what it feels like to have a heart attack.




I can't believe I'm sharing this with the world. I never thought I'd be able to tell my story, but here I am. Happy to. This is typically a cliche but, I'm the unfortunately fortunate one to have lived a fairytale innit?  I admit it is a bit exaggerated but that's because its coming from the heart of a bereaved girl with unrequited love. I hope y'all enjoyed it though. It takes just one click of the star to vote. It'll mean a lot. Thank you guys...and I hope y'all really enjoy the story as it goes on.

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