The Day I Got A Valentine

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Dear diary,

Its February; a week to Valentine's day and the school is buzzing with preparations. For those with crushes and/or in relationships, they don't have problems with getting a Valentine but for the rest of us, we're being made to randomly pick partners. Our class teacher is only doing this because he thinks leaving out those without a partner might make them feel bad. Once you get a Valentine then you don't need to participate. I don't really find that normal because we're all just kids. What do we know about love? So I felt pretty nonchalant about being tied to someone who I have no feelings for whatsoever and probably might not even know. At least that's how I felt. Until break.

As usual, I was headed to the music room for my routine getaway at break. I descended the stairs quite gracefully today if I do say so myself. I got downstairs and turned only to ram into something. Or someone. It was Lemuel who spoke with such excitement as a pirate who just saw an 'X' mark. "Great I was just about to come find you." Lemuel was looking for me? I was in a state of disbelief and so didn't respond. Being the dominating person he is, he just held on to my wrist and dragged me behind him to the space right under the stairs. He pulled so hard and fast that I almost fell. Once I regained my balance, I noticed that we weren't alone. Sean was there. Sean is the newest member of the school band and so has unlimited access to Lemuel too now. Sean and I are a little close considering we we're classmates in the 7th grade but he failed that class when he went AWOL from school for a while. Now he's in Lemuel's class instead.

I gave Sean a wave with my hand that wasn't imprisoned in Lemuel's grip and he gave me a smile accompanied by a small nod. I turned my gaze from him to Lemuel hoping he would let go of my hand. The contact was starting to give me goosebumps. He didn't let go. Instead, he was grinning at me but also looked tensed and nervous. I raised my eyebrows at him hoping he would say or do something but he just stood there smiling at me. His smile is so beautiful. I almost didn't want him to stop but it was also getting creepy and I was feeling myself melt under his hold and stare. "Oya na." Sean elbowed Lemuel in the ribs and broke the awkward silence in Yoruba which is his and my native language and also the most popular here in Lagos. Lemuel is Delta but practically every 'Lagosian' understands a bit of Yoruba. I looked from Lemuel to Sean who seemed tired of the silence. He also looked like he knew something I didn't.

"Okay. Okay." Lemuel began while I tilted my head to the side. "Ruby. Will you be my Valentine." He rapped all the words so quickly; I almost didn't believe I heard right. I was stupefied. He just asked me to be his Valentine. I couldn't believe it. Lemuel just watched me intently while waiting for an answer. "You will not do and do fast now and tell him yes. Make you people ansa pesin na." Sean said in pidgin English. I looked at him and then back at Lemuel who was still waiting for my answer. I nodded my head since I was at a loss for words. "Thank God. Since." Sean said and hissed while obviously fighting a smile. Lemuel on his hand was just smiling. Again. I'll never get enough of his smile.

Somehow Sean managed to drag us both to the music room where he and Lemuel practiced the Trumpet. I just sat there and watched while wondering what Lemuel was going to get me by Monday. I can't wait to see what it is but for now, I'm just so happy that Lemuel asked me. Me! Of all the girls he knows he chose me. Or could this just be a sick experiment? I really don't care much right now.

Almost ten minutes to the end of break, Caroline walked in with Jemimah. They all apparently have a gig on the assembly tomorrow but didn't need much practice. The whole band was there except Nelson and my curiosity got the best of me. "Where's Nelson?" I quietly asked no-one in particular. Since I was so quiet I don't think anyone heard me but I could swear Jenny looked at me and just quietly snickered before facing her violin once again. Glad to see she hates me as much as I do her. The bell rang and I practically jumped off my seat and began to walk towards the door.

"Wait. Where you off to in such a hurry?" Lemuel asked while taking long strides towards me with his saxophone around his neck. I was surprised for the hundredth time today. He cared that I was leaving. "You didn't hear the bell? I'm going back to my class." I answered while running my hands over the doorknob as if preparing to open the door and run away at any moment. He took my hand off the knob and held it in his. "You didn't say goodbye. That's not proper Ruby. I told you before." He tsked while tracing his fingers around my hand. I glanced around trying to understand the awkward moment and I saw Jenny staring at me with contempt. I looked back at Lemuel and opened my mouth to reply. "Uhm. I'm sorry. I just thought you all were busy. Well I have to go now." I said while trying to pry my fingers from his large hands. His hands felt rough and one of them seemed to be peeling. I made a mental note to ask him why later. I succeeded in releasing my hands from his strong hold and quickly opened the door. "Alright everyone. Bye." I said before closing the door. "Goodbye Ruby." I heard Lemuel whisper but I had already closed the door. I long for him to whisper like that right in my ears but obviously that isn't happening anytime soon. I left the building that housed the labs and headed for the classroom buildings. I saw the look Jenny gave me again in my head. That girl must really think I stand a big chance with Lemuel . Well, he did ask me to be his Valentine; not her. Maybe I do stand a chance afterall.

I returned to my class and found my class teacher there. He was addressing the class obviously concerning his plans concerning Valentine's day. "Oh right. Ruby's here too. Dorcas, please include her name in the list of those who would be choosing a Valentine's day partner too." He told the class perfect who took over when I turned down the job. "That won't be necessary sir." I objected. "I already have a Valentine." I explained. "Oh wow. Who on earth asked you Ruby?" Said someone whose voice I couldn't discern. "Definitely not a boy from our class." Milan said smirking. "No it's not someone from our class." I retorted. "Obviously." Said KC. "And I was actually gonna ask her. If only she could stay in the class when an actual class wasn't going on." He added. I felt tears swimming in my eyes and I was at a loss for words. "Enough. All of you." Came the booming voice of our teacher. "You have biology now. So all of you, to the lab." He bellowed. All my classmates already had their books on their desks while I made my way to get mine out of my bag. By the time I got my notebook, only Dorcas was left in the class. "Congrats on getting a Valentine. I'm happy for you." She said as she walked up to me. "Thanks." I answered her. Unsure of what else to do, I just smiled and we walked to lab together.

The school day ended, now I'm here, pouring out my days activities.
It's time I retired to bed.

Goodnight Diary.

OMG GUYS! I am so sorry for putting the book on hold... I really apologize. I've been so busy. Juggling work and tryna getting into college is a handful. I also lost the drive to write... but I'm over it all now and hope to update a lot faster. There might be errors because I am trying my best to update as fast as I can.
Thank you all for understanding. You drive me to write😍 I almost gave up on the book but some of you pleaded with me and I have to say I am really grateful.
Once again, thank you all. And enjoy😄


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