Gimme a man after midnight...

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Gimme a man after midnight…


As I watched Elle fall my heart stopped. 

Not a second too late I caught her before she hit the floor.

Quickly I laid her back onto the couch and checked her pulse, but she was already coming to.

“Elle, look at me,” I stared at her face.

Her eyes fluttered before I was staring into her brown eyes again. 

“What happened?”  She asked surprised.

“You fainted.  I think you got up too quickly,” I said as relief flooded me.

“Can I still go to the bathroom?”  She asked softly.

I could only laugh nervously.  “Yeah, come on, this time, I’ll take you.”

Before she could protest I picked her up in my arms.  Startled she put her arms around my neck and looked up at me.  My eyes locked onto hers as warmth flooded from every place her body touched mine.  As I stared at her my concern for her made me pull her even closer before making my way carefully up the stairs to the bathroom. 

All the way there I could smell her delicious fragrance as the warmth enveloped me.  It was hard to put her down but unfortunately necessary, so I gently put her on her feet and held onto her to make sure she was not going to fall over again.

As soon as she left my arms the warmth was gone, and she shut the door.  I stood frozen to the spot staring at the closed door before the radio broke into my thoughts.

“Dean, this is Aiden, come in, over!” 

I walked over to where the radio was mounted next to the bed.  There was another unit downstairs, so I switched it off and raced downstairs to go pick up the receiver. 

“Good morning Aiden, over,” I said into the radio.

“Hey Dean, how is the patient?”  Aiden asked.

“She is okay I think.  She woke up this morning and ate breakfast, but then she fainted.  Is that normal?  She’s in the bathroom at the moment.  Over,”

Aiden answered without hesitation.  “Yeah, it’s to be expected, as long as it doesn’t happen again.  Are you coming in today?”

“I don’t know man, what if she faints again?”  Movement at the stairs caught my attention, Elle was coming down.

“I’m okay, you can go.  Can you take me back to my camp?”  Elle stopped where I had put her shoes last night and pulled them on.

“Are you sure?  I can stay with you?”  I didn’t know if I should let her out of my sight.

She smiled and nodded pulling her laces tight.  “I’ll be fine, just a few scratches.”

“Aiden, she’s going back to her camp, can you drop by later and give her a check-up? Over,” I looked away from Elle.

“Sure man, tell her to take it easy till I’ve seen her.  I’ll meet you at the gate.  Later!”

I glanced back at Elle where she found her backpack.  “Will do, over and out.”


That was not awkward at all!!  I was back at camp and walked around to make sure that no damage had occurred during my absence. 

When Dean dropped me off he was the perfect gentleman, he opened my door and helped me out of the truck.  His hand stayed on mine a little bit longer than necessary but I didn’t mind. 

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