Shock and Surprise!

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Shock and Surprise!


Images of Elle and her silver necklace danced through my mind.  I was standing on top of the ridge watching the horizon as I waited for the moon to rise.

The tips of my fingers and the soles of my feet started burning as the first golden arch appeared.  Next was the ache in my jaw, as if my teeth were too big for my mouth. 

I took my shirt off and folded it neatly next to the pile of clothes already on the rock.  As I turned around another searing pain ran down my back and the moon was half-way up.

The pain split up into little rivulets that ran down to all my extremities.  It compared to someone running a blowtorch across your skin.  The burning sensation exploded across my body and the impact of it made me fall to my knees.

As I forced my eyes open the moon was almost entirely visible and I knew its golden colour was reflected in my usually grey eyes.   The feeling of a thousand stinging wasps ripped my skin open as the transformation continued mercilessly.

This was my curse.

I was forced forward and landed on my hands as my skin burst apart to reveal the beast within.  Finally the pain forced a howling cry from deep within me as I fell over, writhed on the ground and the transformation completed.

The moon was up.

As suddenly as it all began, the pain melted away, leaving in its place a horrible cursed creature slowly rising to its feet.

This was my true form, a wolf-like man standing twice as high as the average wolf.  My senses kicked in and the evening smells assaulted my nose as I sniffed the air.  With golden eyes I could see through the shadows and my ears twitched at the sounds of retreating critters sensing a predator in their midst.

My head whipped around as my ears picked up the sound it was looking for.  A woman’s laugh drifted on the evening breeze. 


Stopping myself even as my legs started walking in her direction I forced my focus back on the forest.  I was looking for a specific scent.  This scent would not be familiar but not completely foreign either. 

As my senses locked onto the scent another howl escaped me before I ripped up the ground in the direction of the intruder.  I followed the smell of burning cinnamon through the forest to a cave I knew of but rarely visited.

The cave was empty but he had definitely been there.  Turning around I froze in my tracks.  This cave had a perfect view of Elle’s camp.  Even though it was far off, my wolf-eyes could make out her figure sitting next to the fire. 

A low growl echoed in the cave as I saw Aiden sitting next to her.

She’s mine!

My instincts almost took over but then I spotted a familiar silhouette in the dark woods.  It was familiar because it was like me.  A crouching beastly shadow was watching Elle too.

With a snap of my jaw I chased after the intruder fully intending to rip his throat out. 

No-one but me will claim her.

Unfortunately before I could attack he sensed my approach and took off in a dead run through the forest.  The chase continued and it was clear he had become familiar with the woods as every time I caught up to him he ducked just out of my reach by jumping up a tree or doubling back.

But I grew up in this forest and knew it inch by inch.  Slowly but surely I guided him towards the widest part of the creek.  It was wide enough so he could not jump over it without falling into the water; falling into the water would not be a pleasant experience. 

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