Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to Jbiel Easter Viray

We drove around the Sunset Avenue until lunch time.

"Remembered anything yet?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

I nodded. "Let's eat there." I pointed at The Orange, an all-day breakfast chain.

"What?" he said. Obviously not agreeing with me. I know a lot of five-star restaurants--"

"You mean you've never eaten in fastfood before?"

He hesitated, quite embarrassed.

"No," he meekly said.

I smiled. "They taste just as good, minus the extra expenses."

Elliot parked the car. We were greeted by a curly ginger woman in her late 30s with a southern accent.

"Hello, my name is Blitzen! Table for two?"

"Yes, please," I grinned back at her.

Blitzen eyed Elliot. "Huh. Seems like you've got a grumpy guy."

"What? No, no," I laughed nervously as I shook my head and waved my hand in denial. "He's just my, uhm," I glanced at him.

"It's none of your business," Elliot said bluntly.

I hit his rib with my elbow.

"Oh," Blitzen looked offended. It must be her first time encountering a brute.

"I'm so sorry. He's such a Pigheaded Baboon--" I immediately apologized.

She recovered, flashing her bright smile once again. "That's alright! Come on now, follow me."

I feel hot with embarrassment. I want to punch Elliot in the face. Why does he have to be rude to everyone?

She led us to the table by the window. We sat on the cushioned basket chairs.

"What would you like to have?" Blitzen asked, pulling out a pad and a pen from her lime green apron.

Elliot picked up the menu card from the glass table.

"I'll have the Corned Beef Special," I said.

Blitzen scribbled it down.

"How do you know that's on the menu?" He asked. "Have you eaten here before?"

I felt my world stop.

He slammed the menu back down to the glass surface and leaned forward.

"You remember something, don't you? You're just pretending to have amnesia so that you'll be treated like a princess at my own house. You must be some sort of homeless wreck--"

"How could you?!" I slammed the table.

He was surprised at my angry comeback.

"Whoa!" Blitzen intervened. "I've seen her eat here before. That's probably why she knows the menu."

"I've been here?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah. I remember our customers pretty well, especially if they have such remarkable beaut," Blitzen winked.

Elliot glanced outside to the direction behind me. "That's it." He pointed. "My car ran into you there."

I turned and saw the intersection.

"Don't you really remember a thing?" he asked.

I shook my head, keeping my eyes on the road, half-hoping that I'll remember something.

"Right. But you remember the menu," he muttered. "I'll have what she's having," he said to Blitzen.

I looked back to him. Blitzen has just finished writing down his order.

"Coming right up!" Blitzen said, then finally leaving us alone.

"So," Elliot looked at me with regard. "Do you have any idea how old you are?"

I stopped to think, then shook my head.

"Starting tomorrow, you'll be going to school with me. Stonebridge Heights University. We'll shop for new clothes for you. You can't look like that."

Moments later, our food arrived (a large plate of sizzling corned beef with sunny side-up egg and a cup of garlic rice), with a glass of freshly-squeezed OJ.

I waited for him to have his first taste.

"How is it?" I asked, smiling expectantly at him.

He raised a brow. "Not bad."

I giggled.

He smiled back.

My heart felt a leap. "Oh my gosh! You smiled!"

"What's your problem?" He said grumpily.

"Do it again!"

"I'm not an idiot to follow whatever you say."

"Well, what a shame. You're really handsome when you smile," I shrugged casually and pretended to carry on with my food. I took a peek at him and he was still staring at me.

I break into a smile, and he did, too.

I laughed.

"Just finish your food," he said, trying to suppress his smile and concentrate with his food.

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