Chapter Seventeen

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We arrived at Elliot's house and as I was heading towards the left grand staircase, he called my name. I turned.

"Rest well," he said.

I nodded, with a subtle smile. I turned and walked two steps farther before he called me again.

I turned.

"Don't leave."

I frowned, unsure if I had heard him right. "What?"

"I mean, don't leave early..." he swallowed. "Tomorrow...for, uhm, school. I'll drive you."

"Oh. Right." I breathed after realizing that I have been holding my breath. I smiled. "I won't."

He forced a smile back. "Good night."

"Good night," I said before turning my back and heading to my room.


I must be in a dream. I swear I can't be smelling food in my bedroom, can I? I risked an eye open. I was facing the bedside table.

No way.

Both my eyes popped open as I jumped to a sitting position.

There was a wooden breakfast tray of a plate of burnt bacon and overcooked sunny-side up egg + a tall glass of orange juice. A small folded card with my name written in front stood by the glass.

I'm sorry.
For everything.

I couldn't help but smile. I closed the note and placed it back on the tray.

I picked up the fork and the plate and took my first bite. It was...

The worst food I've ever tasted.

I jumped out of bed and went down to the dining hall, carrying the plate with me.

"What is this?" I asked Elliot's butler the moment I saw him by the entrance of the dining hall.

"Uh, Miss, that's--"

"Did you like it?" We all turned to Elliot who was seated at his usual spot at the end of the table.

We all just stared at him.

He stood up with a wide grin. It was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my whole life. Like it was a moonlight on a dark winter night.

"You made this?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm," he nodded child-like. He has an expectant smile like a child trying to impress his mother, waiting for the mother's commendation.

"I--I love it," I said, returning a (forced) wide grin.

"Really?" He said looking even happier as he strode towards me.

"Y--yeah!" I chuckled nervously. "You need more practice, though."

His happy facade has faded into disappointment, then he grew agitated.

"I already cooked you breakfast! Can't you at least be grateful?! I will never make you breakfast again--" Elliot stopped midsentence when his butler cleared his throat.

Elliot regained composure. We avoided looking at each other.

"Uhm..." I began, breaking the silence.

"Mmm," he grunted.

"I know that you would never do this again, but..." I don't know if I should say it. I might sound clingy.

"'But' what?" he said impatiently.

"But...I wish you would." Then, I caught myself. "I'm not being clingy!" I say defensively. "I--I mean, I wish you would do this to other girls, too, and not be mean and shout at them. And I wish my Mr. Right would do this. This would be the perfect example for him to do. But it's not you. I'm not saying it's you."

He squinted his eyes. Oh God. He's gonna scream at me some more.

I waited for him to erupt.

To my surprise, he didn't scream at me. "You don't think I could be Mr. Right?"

"What?" I was caught off-guard. Oh God. I offended him. "Of course! Of course you could be someone's Mr. Right--"

"No, no, no, no," he said. "Your Mr. Right."

My head dropped. Everything on my face probably looked like they were going to pop out. "What?"

"You don't think I could be your Mr. Right?"

Is this Elliot? Where is the real Elliot? Did he get abducted by aliens?

"Uhm..." I gulped and looked from side-to-side, then to him. "I didn't say that."

"So I could be your Mr. Right?" His tone was expectant.

"Could..." I emphasized.

He frowned. "What should someone do to be your Mr. Right?"

I frowned, already confused. "Do you want to be my Mr. Right?"

"Mmm...can I?"

I smiled. "You have lots of work to do."

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