Making A Statement

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Wow, everyone wanted SPICAY haha. You guys aren't as innocent as I thought. Well don't worry because there is no problem there! I will be writing the wedding but I'm not sure if it's going to be in this chapter. Thanks for all the votes and keep reading! :) *kisses*

The next day

Elsa woke up in Jack's arms. She looked up at his face and he was still asleep. She kissed his cheek and his eyes slowly opened. "Hey."

"Hey," she was wearing a T-shirt of his that went down to mid-thigh on her. "Good morning."

"It is indeed," he agreed, smiling. "How much time before we have to meet Anna?" he asked.

Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door. "Elsa, meet me in the council room in thirty minutes, ready and dressed," Anna said. "You too Jack."

"Okay, see you then," Elsa replied.

"I have to dress up?" he asked.

"That's part of the agreement of being the Queen's fiancée," she sat up and climbed out of bed.

"It's worth it. You look good in my T-shirt," he stood up, too and was just wearing his boxer shorts.

"Thank you," she looked at herself in the mirror. "Do you have anything to wear?"

"Um, no I only have what I wore to your coronation and it has a big rip in the leg and blood stains so..."

"Yeah, that's not going to work. Well let me change first and then we'll go find something for you," she pulled her hair back and gasped.

"What's wrong?" he asked, hopping over to her. He was pulling his pajama pants on.

"There is a red mark on my neck and I don't know what it's from," it was below her right ear.

Jack laughed. "You don't know what that is?"

"No, do you?" she examined it closely.

"Yeah, it's called a hickie," he was still waiting for his shirt.

"Excuse me?"

"A hickie," he said. "You get it from, ah, kissing someone like, really hard," he explained awkwardly. "So, it's like a bruise, only, from kissing."

"Oh, so it happened yesterday?" she asked, pressing on it.

"Um, yeah," he smiled innocently. "Sorry."

She let her hair cover it up and turned around. "Does it look bad?"

"Well how are you going to wear your hair?" he asked.

"In a braid. Like it was two days ago," he stepped closer to her and pulled it back.

"Well, it's definitely noticable. Do you have anything that could cover it up?" he let her hair back down.

"Well they made more than one coronation oufit for me and it covered my neck so I could wear that," she went to her closet and pulled it out.

"That's good. You looked really pretty in it," he walked to the mirror and took her brush. He tried to get his hair to lie flat but it wasn't working. "I'm going to go to the bathroom and try to get my hair to work," he started to leave.

"Wait, take your shirt and a different brush," she pulled the T-shirt off and tossed it to him, pulling on the dress. "And here is another brush, that one's mine," they traded and he left, putting the shirt on.

She smoothed out the wrinkles in the dress and out of habit, reached for her gloves. She smiled when she realized that she didn't need them any longer. She pulled on tights underneath the dress and put on black flats. She sat down in front of the mirror and brushed her hair. When it was brushed, she braided it the same way that she had it before.

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