Hide and Seek pt.2

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Jin's p.o.v

It was a beautiful day.
I was a bit lonely so I decided to take а walk. All I could think about was Namjoon so I just decided to go back to my hotel.
-Jin? SeokJin-ah?!- I heard a voice behind me.
Omo...I couldn't believe. My classmate from highschool - Sun - was right before me.
-You remember me!-she jumped on me and hugged me tightly. We were really close I even had a crush on her for awhile,but since my debut with BTS we haven't really met or heard.
-So...how is my boy? You are really famous now huh..
-Yeah...kinda. And I am fine,thanks. Yo-
I was really happy to see her but then someone yelled my name and grabbed my arm.
I turned around.
-Kim Seokjin! What do you think you are doing?!
-Come with me immediately!
He dragged me by the arm to the hotel room.
I don't even know what was I feeling. I was a ball of confusion and happiness.
He pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me pinning my hands to the bed.
-N-Namjoon-ah..what are you doing.
-Who was this girl?Is she your special someone? Tell me!- he shouted at me. I didn't even know what he was talking about. I was so confused. What was he doing here?
-How did you find me?-I mumbled as I felt my hot tears.
-Oh my...Jin-He said with cracked voice which teared my heart. He got off me and helped me get up-I am so sorry.
-How did you find me?-I cried.
-I searched. I simply searched.
He told me how he was feeling sorry and has gone to my home and talked with my mother. Then found the ticket in my room and came straight up here .
-So that's why you asked me about Sun and if she is my special...- everything started to become clear.
-Yes. So is she?!
Suddenly anger took all over me and I heard his words "It's not like you like me,right?! Cuz that WOULD be a big problem.". I felt sadness and anger. What does he have to do with my life? Why bother come here when I am trying to forget my feelings for him? Why is he asking about her when he only thinks about himself?!
-So what if she is?-I tried to put my coldest face- She is pretty, with good personality, she has awesome body...
-YOU CANNOT! - he interrupted me and got up from the bed.
-I CANNOT WHAT NAMJOON?! -I too stood up and looked him in the eyes.

-What's the problem Namjoon?
I stopped answering your calls cause I couldn't tell you we can't go together. What? Now I can't even go on a trip with my girlfriend?!- I don't know why I said that. It just slipped.
He didn't say anything. Just stared at me . I almost saw his face in pain.
"It's just your imagination."
-What is it Namjoon? It's not like you like me right?! Cause that would be hell of a problem!- I quoted him with pain in my voice and tears rolling down my cheeks.
-You are wrong.-he suddenly said- I love you!
He grabbed my chin and kissed me passionately.
I COULD NOT BELIEVE THIS . WAS I DREAMING? Probably yes. This couldn't be real so I just returned the kiss. My heart was going to explode. It felt too real.
He slipped his hands under my shirt and started playing with my nipples. We fell on the bed and he pinned me down with kisses.
That night was the most awesome night in my life.
I realised it wasn't a dream when he entered me. He was so big. I liked it. But the most awesome thing wasn't his cum deep inside me. Do not misunderstand ..it was awesome,but the best part which made me question whether I was in a dream or not..
"I love you Jin hyung"
If this is a dream. I don't wanna wake up.

Namjoon's p.o.v

I opened my eyes slowly as the sun got trough the curtains right to my eyes.
Jin was sleeping deeply on my chest.
-What the...oh...right-I smiled and blushed at the thought of yesterday's night.-Wait...what have I done? What if..no..he said he loved me...
A feeling of uneasiness got in my stomach as I quietly got up,trying not to wake him up. God he was so beautiful!
I kissed his soft lips and put on my boxers and a T-shirt from his luggage.

Jin's p.o.v

I woke up from a burnt smell.
I put on my boxers and got to the kitchen.
Oh my god this dream became a nightmare.
Namjoon was trying to cook. There were eggs,pans,flour and milk everywhere.
It was a real disaster.
-Oh.my.GOD! What happened here?!
Namjoon turned around and looked at me like a puppy.
-I..I am sorry.-he said.
It was so fucking cute and funny. He was all in flour and eggs.
I started laughing uncontrollably.
-Namjoon..Hahaha..how many..haha..times..hahaha..should I tell you not to go in the kitchen? Ahahahahahahahahah
I kissed him and it tasted like flour.
-At least I made you laugh.-he smiled widely.
-Go change yourself... And..let me do the breakfast.
- I was just trying to make some pancakes so I can make you happy. It was supposed to be romantic and perfect...
-Oh yeah..then what does this chilly pepper do here? And this onion? And... HOW DID YOU BREAK THIS KNIVES NAMJOON?!
Oh my god...
-I..Don't ask me. It was not my fault.
-Yeah..right... Hahahaha
We both laughed.
-Go change!
Then all of a sudden he put a hand around my waist and pulled me closer.
-I love you SeokJin!- he said as he kissed me passionately.
-I..I love you too.
After 2 hours of cleaning and cooking (kookieng xDD..damn I'm so lame. Very no fun. I got no jams...fuck it TT very loser) we've had a late breakfast.
-Joon...-I said.
-Yes hyung?
-Why did you kiss me and tell me you love me this morning?
- I wanted to make sure it wasn't all a dream...- he mumbled shyly and stuffed his mouth.
Too cute. Too cute to be real.
I pinched my self.

-Ah...it's not a dream after all...what a relief.

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