Chapter 10: Best of Friends

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This chapter will also be short, just like the previous one. So I hope you enjoy this! 

Please read & review! :) 

In front of the main entrance of the hidden sand village, Team Kakashi and Team Gai were standing behind Naruto and Sakura, who were bidding farewells to the Sand Siblings. 

"Well. I guess we couldn't be thankful enough for what you guys did out there. You really surprised us," Kankuro said smirking gladly. 

"Sakura, Naruto. Thanks again," Temari smiled.

"Anytime," the blonde-haired ninja replied back grinning. 

On the other hand, Gaara and Sakura were looking directly into each other's eyes warmly with so much contentment.

"Thank you. Without you, lady Chio and everyone else, I would be gone by now and-" his sentence was cut off when Sakura's arms quickly wrapped around him tightly.

"Don't say it like that... We're so happy that you are alive. Life would be meaningless if it wasn't for lady Chio. You are my best friend, Gaara. That is how much I love you," the pink-haired kunoichi's tears were falling down from her face, crying uncontrollably.

"Hey... I'll be here. I'll always be here, even when we live far away," Gaara said comfortingly and continued on as he let go of her. "Thank you, again."

The pink-haired kunoichi nodded and said smilingly. "You're welcome." 

Then, all of a sudden her right wrist was levitating in which the red-haired Kazekage had initiated to rebuild a new sand bracelet around it, much to her surprise. 

"This is a new brand. The way it is reconstructed only means that I, as the creator, has a new life being restored. No matter what shape or form it is, you can tell how I'm linked to this bracelet, whereas you, Sakura, can feel a certain kind of emotions that I have now," Gaara explained, blinking his eyes at once pleasantly. 

The others stood in awe at the jewelry that the pink-haired kunoichi was currently wearing. 

"That is so cool!" Lee's eyes sparkled in delight.

"Wow! That is so pretty and very solid!" Tenten complimented gleefully. 

"Yup. That's how he rolls. It's only for the special-" Kankuro got interrupted when Temari nudged her elbow towards him, giving a warning look. He stood quiet and cleared his throat, saying. "For the best of friends."

"Yeah. To friendships and success!" The ponytail-haired kunoichi cheered as the others were clapping. 

"See you guys again!" Kankuro waved. 

Then, Gaara looked at Naruto while they were all standing in silence until the blonde-haired ninja spoke.

"Heh. I guess this is when you normally shake hands and part ways, but I'm bad at that kind of thing! So..." he brushed the side of his right cheek marks, clumsily back and forth. Then, he noticed that the red-haired Kazekage gestured his right hand forward. 

Everyone else was smiling at the friendship that the two jinchurikis have with each other. 

The sand partially lifts Naruto's wrist, gently pulling it forward for a handshake with Gaara as well. They were very happy that everything worked out well.

When the Sand siblings started waving goodbye to the leaf squads, Sakura and the others were startled to see how awkwardly, weird Guy and Kakashi were in.

"I'll be much faster than anyone in this race! Yeah! Let's go. Yee pee!" Guy rambled out loudly as he carried Kakashi on his back as they ran in a flash like a lightning bolt.

"Oh dear..." Tenten cringed.

"Neji," Lee demonstrated the same way as his sensei did.

"Absolutely not!" The Hyuga declined harshly.

Naruto and Sakura started laughing at their silliness and they continued to head forward on their journey. They have three days to go back to the hidden leaf village, which they weren't in any rush at all. 

"So do you guys have any plans this week or are you guys busy?" Lee asked. 

"Yeah. We certainly missed those times, hanging out with you and the other teams," Tenten stated with a beaming look. 

"You're right. Let's go somewhere fun and exotic! But where do you think that we should go?" Naruto questioned blankly. 

"Hm... That sounds like a good idea. I suppose I don't mind tagging along," Neji nodded. 

"What about you, Sakura? What'd you think?" Lee asked smilingly.

"Well, we could go on an adventure trip together. Although, it will be different from what we have gone through on most of our missions. We can go to a new island or something," the pink-haired kunoichi suggested as she placed a finger thoughtfully on the side of her face. 

"Oh my gosh! That would be a new different experience for all of us! A vacation, perhaps?!" Tenten squealed in delight.

"Alright! Rock on. I can practice my training there," Naruto collided his fists with enthusiasm.

"Me too!! I'll be doing 500 push-ups and 100 kicks," Lee's eyes lit up like fire.

Sakura and Tenten started to giggle at their high motivations. 

"Guys. This is a vacation. Not a training, remember?" The brunette kunoichi reminded.

"Yeah. Why not just take a break? You won't know what it's like to have fun as what the youth is like," the pink-haired kunoichi stated wisely. 

"On the contrary, I think it's up to them and us, whether we can decide to have fun or resume our training, don't you think? Besides, this is a good opportunity to travel to an island. We have to make sure that everyone is not busy with their heavy schedules," Neji said. 

"Yup. So, who's in?" Tenten asked.

"Me!!" Sakura, Naruto, and Lee responded in unison. 

Without a doubt, they will need to ask for Lady Tsunade's permission once they return back to the hidden leaf village. 

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