I have a childish dream, and I'm not entirely sure I can reach the finishing point. I'm not a prodigy like my family friend, and I'm not a god like Viktor. I'm just... A simple girl who loves the ice, but I can't stop because it seems unattainable...
That night, I struggled to go to sleep. If I remember correctly, I passed out at two or three in the morning.
Suddenly, a buzz came to my phone and I wanted to see if it was Unknown. To my surprise, it wasn't. Nowhere did it shout "Hey, its your creepy stalker, Unknown!"
I ran back to the ice rink and there were about a dozen of reporters surrounding Yakov. I sprinted past them and with my jagged breath, "Did Viktor, really leave to coach another Yuri!" I panted, he nodded. I have to still be asleep right? I did sleep late.
I ran inside of the male dressing room, running inside only to witness a shirtless Yuri Plisetsky. As he looked to see who it is, his eyes widened along with mine. I pauses for a second and heat flooded through out my entire body. I turned around and closed the door which was closely followed by a loud, "Sorry!"
Yuri quickly slipped into his skating shirt and I heard his phone buzz. "What, he seriously went all the way to Japan to become the other Yuuri's coach!" This is going to be bad, "Yuuri Katsuki, the fat pig!" Like, really bad, "Did he actually forget the promise that he made to me!"
Instantly, The Russian Punk burst out the doors and as fast as I could, I covered my ears as he yelled... Loudly, "Yakov, where are you!!"
I was guessing the media was still swarming him and I tried to calm the fuming blond before of me. "Yuri, I'm sure he has his reasons, plus, you know..." I lead off, "He's very forgetful, yes, I'm painfully aware." He complained.
Yuri looked at me his expression now neutral, "(Y/N), go back home." I looked down at my feet, slightly angry and very insulted. "Why? Am I not good enough to be in the 'all mighty first place junior skater in the world, Yuri Plisetsky''s presence?" I suddenly shouted.
Yuri clicked his tonge, "Don't be a bipolar bitch (Y/N), I mean go get your skates. They're at home right?" I was taken aback a bit but I let it go. I shoved him backwards slightly, making him fall due to his skates.
I left the building and started walking home, slightly regretting what I did. I mean he deserved the push, but what if he sprained his ankle? I looked up at the sky, reminding myself of the good old days.
Yuri and I have been friends since we were small. I used to practise with him all the time in practise classes. Sure, he'd me millions of times better than me, but it was still fun.
The reason I got into skating was because of my Mama and Papa. They were the best pair skaters in history, actual legends, very close to Viktor. I was their fumbling little monkey, prancing around Mama and Papa as they skated.
In their grand prix finals, someone sabotaged them. Someone bent Papa and Mama's skate blades which threw them of balance. Papa was skating around the rink lifting Mama, but his turn was two sharp and he sprained his ankle, got back up, continued, he fractured, and broke it. While he was lifting Mama, he accidentally tossed her across the rink into the rails and broke her back, and due to breast cancer and a major spinal cord injury she died. Papa then went suicide because he was very sad and started drinking, smoking, and started abusing me.
Not very good times but, everything started looking up when I was taken in by the Plisetsky family. Yuri and I became good friends and we were of the same age. As children we pair skated, and soon enough I became comfortable around him enough to call him an asshole.
As we grew older his mood turned sour, but I didn't mind much, it just meant I had to become more aggressive.
While thinking about the past few years, I had arrived to the Plisetsky household. I ran inside as fast as possible, looked for my room and stumbled through the doors to get my beloved skates. They were black, the entire thing, with the exception for a bit of the tongue and the blade of course. The blade was a dark grey metal. I also grabbed clothes suitable for ice skating and stuffed them into the box.
I lifted the box into my arms and started running back towards the skating rink. It wasn't to far from the rink, but it was still a good walk. I sprinted into the changing room with five minutes to spare according to the text Yuri sent me.
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I put on a blue top that had one sleeve and a pair of black pants. I then equipped my ice skates and combed my hair a bit a head out toward the rink. I hope this outfit isn't to flashy...
When the light of the rink dawned upon my face, my mood instantly started to glow. The sound of the skates when they glide across the rink, the glisten and texture of the ice when it is tampered with. Everything was perfect... Except for the fact others were here...
I looked around, frozen in one spot as all eyes we on me. I didn't move afraid that if I did, I would fall and make a complete fool of myself, that is until Yuri tugged on my arm and said, "The day only has twenty-four house (Y/N)!"
I was happy hearing that for some reason, thankful that Yuri was around, but what his next action is what officially made him a douche bag. After I had taken of the rubber pieces that conceal the blade, Yuri pushed me onto the ice. I didn't move a single bit. After last night's catastrophe, I wouldn't be surprised if they were all laughing after I left.
For a long while I was paralyzed in my own little world until the black and white walls were broken by Yakov voice. "(Y/N), what song would you like to skate to?" My eyes widened, I'm not skating right? I holed back up into my mind, I don't listen to popular music on the radio, I listen to other kinds of music... Music people would find strange, weird.
"(Y/N), hurry up and choose!"
I panicked and chose the private program I had created, "M-Mademoiselle Noir!" The elderly man looked at me with a puzzled look but quickly shrugged it off and played it on the phone which connected to the rink speaker.
I began once the words had started. I skated around changing backwards and forwards and lifting my arms and my head representing the wonder of the man in the story. I did two singles and a tripple for the lyrics "Moi je m'appelle mademoiselle Noir," and did and spin for "Et comme vous pouves le voir, le ne sonris, ni tis, ni vis" I stopped and did and arabesque with my arm stretched out for the rest of her lines then slowly fell into an elegant sit spin. I got back up and skated away from my previous location to symbolize the fleeing man, and to communicate to the people I acted distressed and did a triple salchow into a spread eagle.
The rest of the program was very hard describe but by the end of it I was on the icy floor with my body curled up like a dead girl. When I got up my face was flushed, I kept my eyes shut until I heard the clapping around me. I opened my eyes to behold to truth in front of me. "(Y/N), where did you learn to skate so well?" said one, "The program was particularly short, but you made it very beautiful!" said another, "I don't even know how to speak French, but the story you told through your skating helped me understand what Miss. Black was saying!"