I have a childish dream, and I'm not entirely sure I can reach the finishing point. I'm not a prodigy like my family friend, and I'm not a god like Viktor. I'm just... A simple girl who loves the ice, but I can't stop because it seems unattainable...
*Sup, i'm here with a note! Majority of these chapters will be written in (Y/N)'s POV, not because the other's character's POV aren't important, but because this is a self insert story and is supposed to be a story about YOU. Not Yuuri, not Viktor, not Yurio, YOU! Enjoy! *
When I heard all f the compliments being shoved in my face, I honestly feel so happy I could cry! I've never been praised, not for this type of thing anyways.
"Stop," Yakov rose his voice, the entire room went silent, "(Y/N), majority of the jumps you were using were very dangerous." I looked down, "But-" Yakov cut in once more, "You are not trained like the rest of the other here, you have a frail body and you are not strong enough to take so many jumps as well-"
"But Yuri-!" "Yuri is trained and has a strong body!" "But I've been practicing as well!" "But not with a proper coach!"
I looked at my feet. I felt betrayed, felt like there was no use in me skating. If Yakov doesn't believe me, then who will. It doesn't matter what the other's say, they were probably plastering fake smiles on their faces to make me feel better. Slowly, I started moving. Then I started moving faster, faster and faster, until I got the rubber sheaths on and started running home. Yes, I ran home in my skates that night.
By the time I had gotten into my room, my sleeve was covered in tears, saliva, and snot. I changed quickly with a few sobs when I had trouble yanking my skates off. I shoved them into a random box since I left their original one at the rink and ran downstairs to put them next to the trashcan in the kitchen.
Before I knew it, I was already upstairs in my room, screaming and crying, braking things and panicking for my life. It was my dream to skate, I wanted to do that more than anything, but... Now my dream of figure skating has been shattered.
I could basically feel the twinkle in my eyes burn out, the light being erased by pure sorrow. What shall I do now Mama? What will my new dream be Papa?
I cried for hours and hours until I had no more tears to spend, I got up to go to my balcony and climbed the latter that lead to the roof. I lied down on the roof top and stretched out my arm in attempts to caress the stars to remember my mother's dying breaths.
"(Y/N), if you ever feel lonely," she coughed with her raspy breath, "Just reach out to the stars, because when we are no longer living, we will guide you from up above."
The last thing she had ever sang to me, with her hoarse, ridged, dying voice... Was Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Some of you may laugh about it, but I took it as a curse. That song was sang to me when I was a baby, and when she sang that again, I felt like I was being treated as one once more. She thought I was frail, and weak, needing others to depend upon. That's exactly why I kept sobbing, top, stop, Mama, don't waste your last breaths! Please!"
The next days I cried after that, it wasn't pleasant at all, and it too me years to get my glow back, although, it isn't what it used to be.
I studied the starts in front of my eyes, wanting to know the amount of them that were above the world. "Dear Mom, Dad," I began.
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"What shall I do now? What can I do now? Mr. Yakov didn't approve of my skating, he felt I was attempting jumps too much and that my routine was too complex. I felt betrayed and hurt, and now I don't know where to go. Please answer me, I love you..." I closed my eyes as I whispered their names, "Mama... Papa..."
Suddenly I heard a knock on my door, followed my an annoyed, "(Y/N)! Come out, mother made us food." Quickly, I covered my mouth with my two hands and pressed myself against the roof when I heard Yuri swing open my door, "(Y/N)! I know you're up there!" He climbed up the latter I has set up, and unsteadily crawled over to my location to sit down, "What, are you talking to the voices in your head again?"
I pouted slightly, "Well, if your so content on calling them "voices in my head" don't even talk about them, you wouldn't know because your parents have gone yet!"
There was a silence for approximately a minute until Yuri spoke up again, "Look," He began, " I know you feel betrayed and stuff by that old nag, but, he's just looking out for you. He didn't like me doing quads when I was younger, he said my body was still developing,"
"Explains why you're such a shorty compared to all the other skaters." I slipped in. He lost his temper at that, "Well excuse me for being short!" "Well excuse me for looking like a hippo on skates!" I shot back.
"What does that have to do with being short!"
I got back up and curled up into a ball, "Nothing..." I whispered. There was another awkward silence that felt like an eternity, until once again, the blond next to me spoke up. "Hey, you know... You looked really pretty when you were skating..." Both of our faces turned beet red after hearing that. I weakly smiled, "I know you're lying, I am absolute crap!" He got up quickly looking a little mad, "Just take my compliment okay! It's not a lie..." The last part was a little quieter, but I could still hear him.
He reached his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me up, getting ready to jump down to get dinner he had mentioned before. ____________
Hey guys! So this chapter wasn't really action-y, it was more of a character development chapter I guess, a chapter where you could realize why the book is called Dear Stars and not something else. Also, I suck at writing (in my opinion) and therefore this is contain some errors and such so, please, i'll try my best not to make mistakes but it's still a developing skill.
I've read a few YOIxReader books, and I haven't come across one yet that didn't only have a self cautious, bipolar, person, but also started with Viktor and Yuri Plisetsky. More precisely, I mostly have seen very confidant characters, who are world famous because, you know, world fame, and starts out with Yuuri Katsuki and is loved by all characters her watch her skate from the get go. I'm trying to make this one relatable to some out there who aren't the most confidant, but at the same time retain originality with my character. I understand that some of us, might be like, "Yea! I'd be amazing and roast everyone I don't like in this anime!" but when we actually face, face to face actions in real life, there is the possibility of it becoming a whole new story!
Anyways, that's all I have to say today/tonight! Thank you for the continued support!