I've Never Felt This Way Before.

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Chapter 14.

Presley's P.O.V

I walked into school with my head down and sunglasses covering my face. I'm still fucking hung over from last night. Everything is hazy still too, the only things I remember are I drank a whole lot obviously and some red head wouldn't leave me alone at that party. That shit was indescribably annoying, she was hot but trashy and way to easy. I like a girl that's a challenge. A girl that has at least some self respect believe it or not.

"A girl like Ella?" my annoying subconscious butted in.

That's been happening a whole lot lately. Why? I have no fucking idea. I haven't seen Ella in at least a week and surprisingly I actually miss her witty comments, mean glares, and sassy attitude. Ella is the definition of hard to get. But she so beautiful, and kind and it's weird that I'm thinking these things because I've never really liked a girl. I have slept with a ton of them but feelings just aren't my thing. Life has taught me that emotion is weakness. I've seen the ones I care about go through way to much to ever love anyone. Still lost in my thoughts I smacked into someone and quickly reached my hand out grabbing them before they could fall. After the girl got herself together she stood straight and turned to thank me, but instead a deep scowl took over her face and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Thanks or whatever." she grumbled angrily. Wait a minute shes's alley or Alana which ever one. She and Ella are like best friends or sisters some, shit like that.

"Hey wait!" she spun around slowly to look at me. Her face was void of emotion and she looked tired. Deep black circles were former under her eyes and she was pale.

"What do you want?" she asked me sounding annoyed. The hallways were packed with noisy teens running around chatting with their friends, making out, or sitting on the dirty ass floor trying to get last minute homework done. I grabbed her upper arm and gently pulled her out of the crowd toward the entrance of the school. It was like she wanted to fight me off but was just to weak to do so. Once we were out and in the quiet I turned to face her.

"Uh I wanted to.. to ask you where is Ella?" I asked, then raised my hand to the nape of my neck where I scratched it awkwardly. Tears brimmed her eyes and I became very uncomfortable. One thing I cannot handle is a crying girl. She aggressively wiped at the fallen tears while I just stood there not knowing what the hell to do or say but I couldn't leave because I need an answer.

"Why do you care huh? What do you want from her Presley?!? She has nothing left to give, so just.. just fucking leave her alone!"

I was taken back by her response. One because she swore at me and two because I never did anything to her besides that pointless argument we had that turned into Ella going bat shit crazy on me to defend her. Alana scoffed at me and turned to walk away, again.

"I don't want anything from her, I just.. I miss her ok? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

She froze on her spot before dropping her things and turning to charge at me. She speed walked over to me with her fists clenched. Confused I slowly backed away and put my hands out in front of me as a signal telling her to stop but she didn't. Of course. She charged up to me and smacked me forcefully across my face.. Wait what the fu--

"Don't you dare say you miss her because you don't! You want to use her just like you use every other girl. She's not a God dammed toy Presley she's a girl with a horrible past, a broken girl that's falling apart at the seams."

"She's hurt and she's given up on just about everything but you don't know that because you don't care! You barely even know her!" She shouted.

"You know nothing about me! I don't want to use her because unlike all those other girls Ella means something to me. I have no idea why or how but she does. I may not know everything about her, I don't know her middle name or her birthday. I don't know her favorite color or lucky number. I don't know her favorite food or why she always looks tired, but I want to. I want to know every little detail about her because I want her. I don't understand how someone who I know so little about can have such a huge effect on me and dammit it's frustrating. But there's so much she doesn't know about me either." She stood there not saying anything,

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