lippa//two universes back to one

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Lin and Pippa were two peas in a pod, standing side by side anywhere and everywhere since middle school. However, that started to shift during college. They started seeing different peoplr, Lin did, actually.


Karen Olivo, Lin's girlfriend at the time keeps Lin ultimately preoccupied. Pippa didn't complain because she knew that it was a selfish thing to do, and that she had to right to interfere in his relationship with Karen. She felt like she was the Eponine of this Lés Miserablés story. She was friend zoned.

"Hey Pip!" Lin waved at her. Pippa walked over to him. "Hey! What's up?" Pippa looked at him. "I have someone to introduce you to," a girl with long curly hair, a great body, she was 50 percent sexy and 50 percent beautiful, tan skinned, no wonder Lin chose her. "This is Karen, my girlfriend." Lin had a huge smile on his face. He looked at Karen how equally had a huge smile plastered on her face. Pippa felt her heart drop. "Hi. I'm Phillipa." Pippa forced a smile.


Pippa woke up to a text. She rubbed her eyes and stretched before reaching out for her phone. Unlocking it, she squinted her eyes to adjust from the light.


She looked at the text, curiosity on why he's just texted her now.

7:30 am
Hey! It's been what? 4 years? I heard you came from Julliard, and I saw you in the Great Comet! You were great! I was thinking if you would go to the Public Theatre 2 days from now. I'm working on another show. Tommy Kail, the director suggested you should be part of the show! Anyway, we can talk more if you come.

7:38 am
Hi Lin! Sure! I'll see you then! Thank Tommy for suggesting me. See you then!

Pippa couldn't believe it. Lin-Manuel Miranda, texted her and still had the same number for how many years. To be honest, it was quite a dick move. He could have asked to meet up first aside from telling her everything on text after four years of no communication.

Two days later, she prepared herself for the audition and made sure to look decent on that day.

Pippa walked to the Theatre. As she crossed the street, she saw Lin. Same old, same old. He was talking to Alex Lacamoire. "Lin!" Pippa smiled. "Pipsy!" Lin hugged Pippa. She giggled at the nickname Pipsy as  only he called her that. "Lac, this is Phillipa Soo, she, is going to be part of the show. " Lin introduced. Tommy then came. "Ah! Phillipa! Finally. I guess you know Lin and Lac already." "Yup." Pippa nodded her head.

"Okay, You can audition for either... Eliza Hamilton, Maria Reynolds or Angelica Schuyler. But I would recommend singing 1 verse for each song for every character. Yeah?" Tommy raised eyebrows. Pippa nodded. Lin was there. Pippa felt shy, she never sang in front of Lin before, or well, she thinks.

I am sailing of to London, I am accompanied by someone who always pays, he is not a lot of fun but there is no one who can match....

I know you are a man of honour, I'm so sorry to bother you at home, but I don't know where to go,and I came here all alone....

Helpless! Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit!
Look around, Look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now!

She was proud of herself and her performance.

"Great! I have your email so I'll just tell you the results tomorrow or day after. Thank you." Tommy stood up. Pippa went down the stage. Lin held her by the shoulder. "You did amazing! Especially in Eliza's part." Lin smiled. "Thanks, Mr. Hamilton." Pippa winked. Lin chuckled. Pippa smiled once more. She did something that will change how Lin sees her forever.

She kissed him in the cheek. Pippa didn't even realize it until after she did it. It was an "oh shit" kind of action. Lin turned red. Pippa turned slightly pink as she left. They waved bye at each other awkwardly. 

Oh boy, little did they know...

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