hamliza//my power

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Alexander was going mad.

A forcefield had been put to separate all men and women. All who dare to cross will immediately be killed. Only those who shall have great power can handle the intensity of the forcefield. But nothing had happend yet.

Alexander sat in silence. Thinking what had just happend. He just touched his glass of water but immediately broke. Alexander lit up a fire, causing huge flames. What was happening? Afraid of what will happen next, Alexander grabbed a cloak and gloves and headed out to the forcefield.

The forcefield was a transparent wall. People were allowed to meet. But not hear each other. It was precisely two in the afternoon, Alexander and Eliza's meeting time. Alexander and Eliza met. But Eliza was wearing shades. Alexander put up his hand and Eliza mirrored his action. Making their hands align."I love you.." Alexander heard a faint voice of Eliza. She was crying. Before he knew it, Eliza ran away.

Alexander didn't know how he was able to hear Eliza. All of this is utter confusion. Why was Eliza wearing shades on a gloomy day? Why was he able to hear her?

"Alexander." Said a voice. "Your highness." Alexander replied. "I came to discuss some orders with you."


Eliza didn't know what was happening.

She had random explosions. Have super strength sometimes. Not just that. She had a power. So she has weird side effects for a week. She looked at her eyes. They were gold. Cat eye gold.

It was weird. Was she capable to... perhaps break the forcefield and reunite with Alexander?

Eliza removed her hair pins. Making her hair bounce. Her plan is insane. But it might work. Eliza exited her house. Getting weird looks from other women. "Speak of the devil! It's lover Eliza." Maria sneered. "Shut up, Maria. I don't have the time." Eliza glared. "Ooh, what has gotten you in a good mood?" Maria and her gang laughed. Eliza didn't know what come over her, but she shot something. But Maria had a shield. A shield that is red. "Oh-ho-ho. You're not the only one." Maria frowned. Maria and Eliza shot an attack just at the same time. Making them collide. People started surrounding them. Both of them had flaming eyes of hatred. Eliza shot up and defeated Maria. "This wont be the last, Schuyler."

Eliza panted as she saw Maria walk away, along with other villagers. But some stayed, in pure shock of what just occured.

Eliza went to the forcefield. "I'm insane." Eliza thought. But 5 words were running in her head. I'm doing this for Alexander.

Eliza rounded her hands together. Mustering up all of that unknown power she can. And smashed it on the forcefield. Ten years. Ten years on separation. Eliza hit it harder. For Alexander. For Alexander. For Alexander. Eliza but her lip. She was able to keep it up. And it was working.


A guard busted in Alexander's house. "Someone's breaking the forcefield!" He said in a shaky and panicky voice. "What?!" The king cursed under his breath and went outside. To see what was happening. Alexander followed. He saw all the men were around 15 feet away from the forcefield. He saw a blue attack nearly shattering the forcefield. He suddenly didn't notice him weakening as the attack got stronger. She was in the middle. Whoever that was. Alexander looked to his right. A familiar maiden. Alexander gasped. Eliza. John Laurens was right beside him. "Do you know her?" John asked. "Actually I do." Alexander replied. John asked as a joke. "You're serious?" John said, wide-eyed. Alexander nodded.

After a few minutes, Alexander busted up the courage. He stepped closer to the rotting forcefield. He was weakening. "Eliza. . ." Alexander said as loud as he could. Eliza looked at him with her gold eyes. "Alexander.." Alexander heard her mumble. Eliza stopped. Running out of power. A huge hole was made and was spreading. Eliza fell to the ground in exhaustion. Alexander rushed over her. "Oh, my God." Eliza told him. "It's you!" Eliza cupped his cheek and Alexander did the same. And kissed.

"The end." Pippa told them. "Mrs.Miranda, will we ever find our love like Eliza?" One of the children asked her. "Maybe." Pippa told them. She was a grade 2 teacher. "Do you have a love Mrs.Miranda?" A girl asked her. "Yes. That's why I'm Mrs. It means that I'm married." Pippa explained. "And like Eliza, I was the one who sacrificed something to love that person." Pippa told them. "What was that?" The boy asked. "Blood. He had anemia." Pippa told them. "What's aneema?" A girl asked. Pippa was about to explain until- "It's when someone has weird or few red blood cells." A boy told her. She had some future doctors in her class. "Okay. Class is over. Bye kids I'll see you tomorrow." Pippa waved as the children got their bags and lunch boxes as they exit.

Sometimes.. you think it's over. You think it's the end. But after a while.. you'll know that all of your hard work was worth it. Lin was able to live. And we lived happily. Ever. After.

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