lippa//coffee/tea time

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Hey Pip! I'm back from London. And since you ARE my best friend, do you wanna catch up?

I would love to! Meet me at the cafe at 3pm?

It's a date! See ya!

See you xoxo


Pippa exited her unit as she walked to the cafè. She looked to her right. She saw the Richard Rogers theatre. Ah, Good memories... as she entered, she saw a man, centimeters taller than her. Wearing his favorite gray sweater he always uses. Wave at her. "Hey!" Lin smiled. "Hey Lin! Sorry I kept you waiting." Pippa apologised. "No problem, I just got here." His eyes sparkled. Oh look at those eyes... "Should we order?" Lin asked. "Sure." Pippa smiled. "I'll have green tea. You, I'm guessing. Will have a Frapuccino? With extra whipped cream?" He told. "Yes. That is exactly what I want."(Im just making this up) Pippa laughed a bit. He knew everything about her. Even the past.

When the orders arrived. Lin sipped the tea. "Since when were you into tea?" Pippa smirked. "Since Emily Blunt." He joked. They laughed. "I love you." He muttered quiet enough Pippa didn't understand. "Huh?" "N-Nothing!" He turned pink slightly. Pippa just shrugged it off.

"Today was great! We should... do it again. Sometime. I mean- if you want to- you know-not like I want to-" Lin stuttered at his words and was talking fast. Pippa laughed softly. "I would
love to."

Lin drove home. Absolutely dreamy. He just had a meet up with his best friend whom he has feelings for. And just happens to ask her out again. Wow. Lin slumped his bag on the couch and went on his phone. Pippa tweeted:.

Phillipa Soo

Great day today! Spent a little reunion with @Lin_Manuel! 😀😀

Lin retweeted.

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Today really was great! I had a splendid time! We should do this more often.

Just 10 minutes later, Lin was getting comments of "Lippa" and their relationship status. Lin ignored it and went to sleep..

I hope we can do this again.

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