lippa//kisses with proof

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Today was another day of late June, year 2015, in New York City.

Pippa got her usual coffee and sat down in a small table and looked through her phone. She took a sip from the cup in front of her, as the warm, cocoa taste lands on her taste buds. She then took a bit of her chocolate chip cookie and sighed. Oh.. day off...

Pippa glanced to the window to see Lin-Manuel Miranda enter. He had this look on his face as if he was going to faint. He bought a Cappucino and sat across her, with her permission.

"What are you doing here? Isn't there a show?" Pippa frowned. Lin nodded, a huge smile went across his face. "Hamilton. Richard Rodgers Theatre." Was all he said. "What?" Pippa asked. "Hamilton is going on Broadway!" Lin rejoiced. Pippa hugged him from the table. "No way! Lin- that's amazing!" Pippa's cheeks started to hurt. "I know! You're Broadway debut, and you're the first on from the cast who knows!" Lin told her. "Really?" Pippa had the facial expression as if she was  knowing something he didn't. Lin nodded.

Pippa and Lin walked around New York. "Lin, aren't you supposed to be at rehearsal?" Pippa asked. "The show's still at eight." Lin shrugged his shoulders. "Are you sure you can't be there right now?" Pippa asked. "Yes, Pip-moji. I can waste some time." Lin laughed at Pippa's concern. The two didn't even notice they were in Times Square. They walked the streets and saw people get out their phones. "Oh dear."


Lin and Pippa walked briskly to the Public Theatre  with their hands locked so they wont get separated. Lin noticed a crowd started to follow them. He got his shades on, also Pippa. They entered backstage in Lin's dressing room, panting in exhaustion. They suddenly heard footsteps of many. Faint sounds came from outside. "What are they doing in there?" A voice asked. "Is that Pippa?" A voice, probably Renee. "Ooh some heat going on in there!" Daveed's voice popped up. There was a thud afterwards, Daveed cursed loudly. Pippa blushed in embarrassment.

"Guys, it's quiet. Should we come in?" Alex's faint voice asked. Lin sat on his chair and Pippa ran inside his closet within seconds. "Hey Lin! I didn't see you coming. Was there someone here? Because we heard panting outside." Alex asked, rubbing his neck. "Nope. Just me. It was like, uh.. high pitched because I was working on my falsetto." Lin lied. They all went "oh" in moment of realisation. "Yeah. Get dressed, rehearsal starts in five minutes. " Alex shut the door closed. "Pip, you can come out now." Lin whispered. The door slowly opened and Pippa slowly walked out of the small space. "I need to get changed..." Lin said. "Oh! Okay- I'll turn around." Pippa laughed. When Lin got the pants on, Pippa turned around. "I'm used to this. I have a brother."

Pippa looked at the cosmetics on Lin's dressing room. Lin already had everything on. "Nice." Phillipa smiled as she fixed Lin's collar on his jacket and smoothed it out. Lin put his hand on her shoulder . "You're beautiful." He blurted. "Thank you, Lin. You are too." Pippa laughed as she knew it wasn't supposed to be said. This was a moment, just the two of them, they felt passion in the air. They stepped closer to each other, it felt so right. "I need to go to rehearsal." Lin cleared his throat. "Oh- yeah. Okay." Pippa smiled. He left her there, alone. Pippa went backstage and went up to the upper stage and watched the rehearsal.

Pippa saw Lin smiling at her tine to time. "Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now!" Carleigh sang. It was so amazing, their choreography, and Pippa was never even able to watch this. At the end, it was their break and they'll rehearse Yorktown. Pippa rushed down quietly. "I should say hi... it's not like I'm not allowed to be here..." Pippa went to her dressing room, and saw Renee and Jasmine. "Oh hi Pippa! What are you doing here?" Renee asked. "I just dropped by to get something, I forgot my stilettos here." Now that Pippa thought about it, she did leave them here.

"Guys! Company call!" Lin yelled. Everyone started to round in the stage. Pippa stood next to Lin. "Guys... say goodbyw ro the theater." He said sadly. Everyone started gasping and panicking. "Because we're going on Broadway!" Lin shouted happily, with a Champagne bottle on his right hand. The team started cheering and smiling. And all was well.

After the show at eight, there was a whole party at the theatre. Lin opened the champagne and foam went on everyone's heads. It was such a disaster, a good one.

Pippa woke up in her bed, exhausted. She checked her phone and saw flooding notifications. It was chaos. Pippa saw a picture of Jasmine and Anthony together last night, but at the background was her and Lin kissing.

The media went wild and people made crops. Jasmine took the picture down but too late. Everyone knows.

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