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Hey there my little ducklings. *wave's hand* Okay I really didn't reach my goal, I guess sometime i can get very hopeful. I still count on you guys to help me out.
It a start I honestly didn't think I was going to get any view or likes so thank to everyone that has showed me support even though I have horrible writing skills.

Any who, please comment i want to know if i'm doing well and what i improve on.

And this chapter also has some Blake's POV.

I hope y'all like it.

Okay let's just in to the story, happy reading!


*Chapter 2*


I was surrounded by my friends and the dance team and the cheerleader's, and the jocks. Also of course with the slut of the day was on me.

"Babe you want to go to a place with less people?" The desperate girl breathes on my face. Okay this girl seriously needs a breath mint or something.

I was about to reply before I got caught off by a car engine making a roaring sound. It's definitely a sports car, turning my head I spot a red laborgeni. Who ever it is they sure now how to make an entrance, everyone eye's were on the car.

I don't want to brag or anything (whip fake dirt off shoulder.)

But have the best car in the whole school.

Soon I could hear some girls start squealing and whispering among themselves. A guy was coming out of the car, all the girl had their gaze glued on him, they were literally drooling ew.

They all had lustful eye even the nerds. arg! His not even hot, look at me i'm the hot one here! I shouted in my head. The ugly guy stop in front of his car, like he was waiting for someone to come out of the car

Then the drivers door open, the visible thing i saw long tan legs stepping out of the car. A most beautiful girl come out of the car beautiful couldn't even cover it she was gorgeous.

I was mesmerized by her beauty, smit was like she was moving in slow motion.

"Dude she H-O-T Hot." A jock mumble under his breath.

"Yeah." Was the only thing that could leave my lips. I felt like my throat had a huge knot.

The slut next me growled she tried to get my attention. My mind could think straight, this the first time I've been left speechless. When I came back to earth I realize the slut had left, I really didn't care at this moment.

"Dude i would totally bang her if she asked me to," my best friend Trevor winked. I stared at him and we broke into laughter.

"Me to man, me too"


"You ready to step out of the car?" Blake gave me a state of concern.

"Yeah I'm just kind of freaking out, what if the plan doesn't work?"

"It's going to work, trust me," giving his a small thanks I was ready of getting out of the car

'Come on Alexis you can do this.' I gave myself some encouragement.

Slowly stepping out of the car i can spot almost every girl giving me death glares. Okay this is a start, this is a sign that I must be good looking and that they are intimidated by me. I also feel guy's giving me lustful stare it literally felt like they were burning holes though me.

This made me smirk, 'This is going to be good.'

Turning my head slightly I notice the dance team, cheerleaders, and jocks. Typical, they would obviously all be standing together. I continue to scan though the large group of people and I found myself staring into those hazel eye's that i haven't seen in a long time.

Then I heard whistle's in the crowd, "Hey babe come over here!" i heard some jocks yell.

I lift my middle finger up and flipped them off "I'm not your babe, so go find yourself a slut that wants to be with you"

I walk over to Jake, this is going to be a good first day of school. (Notice the sarcasm?)


Okay guys so here's the chapter.
What did you think, I'm going to admit this was a very short chapter. I'm not  best writer and you probably notice this by now but u wanted to give this a try.


Thank you so much last time i only got one vote. Which i was kind of sad to be honest, I really hope i get at least two more vote. Help me reach my goal, please support me and comment . I'm open to any request. Please inform me on what I should improve on this well really help me to take note on what I should change.

Thank you for the love , and I hope y'all have a good day.

By my little ducklings! ;)

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