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Hey there guys! It me, i'm sorry that I didn't update yesterday. I was very busy, with some very important things.

But enough of that, your the important thing at this time.

Anyway here comes chapter 8!

Happy Reading!


Chapter 8

Alexis POV

This is the day. I woke up extra Early today, school starts at 8:00 so i woke up at 6:25.

Yes, thats super early. Taking advantage of the time, i took a long thirty minute shower. Once i was done i grabbed a simple white towel. My powderpuff towel is getting washed. :(

I wrapped my hair with a towel for it to dry. I went to my closest, okay find something cute but not slutty.

This is the day i mess with Blake's head and make him regret what he did the me, but not only him else Everyone else that made fun of me.

I notice yesterday that there is a whole bunch of new people at that school now.

Oh how i hate Blake, his such a pig and a jerk.

I remember when we were young we use to make fun of the suck up bimbos and jocks. Now his an ass like all of them, and not to mention that he has a nice one to. ;)

I finally agreed with this cute dress which the top was white and the shirt part was red and put a black bow belt on the waist. Paired it with this cute heels and put earring on. (Picture on the side)

I took off the towel that was wrapped around my hair and started blow drying my hair. I then start fixing my hair with soft curls, I applied some mascara and lipstick.

I stared carefully at my reflection, I'm going to make them regret what they did to me. There going to wish they never made fun of me.

Once I was done I grabbed my back and key and went down stairs.

Now that I woke up early why not make food? Okay, I'm probably weird. Yes, I love cooking I think I get that from my mother.

I started making pancakes, bacon ( if you couldn't guess by now), and scramble eggs. I fix the table and poured the orange juice in the cups.

"Mmm, this smells delicious" I heard James voice.

"Why thank you sir, please have a seat. After were done we're leaving." I said with a fake British accent.


-Arriving to school-

Alexis POV

Once we arrived, we were surrounded by a whole bunch of people. James took advantage of the situation and started talking to the cheer and dance team of the school. Ugh fucking sluts.

I walked to Ashley " Hey girl" I told her and butty bump her. "Hey there Bae" she said with a wink.

" Hey Alexis" I heard a voice come from behind me. There stood Taylor, "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, you look hot today! I just wanted to ask if your free today." He smiled.

" Aw thank you, and yeah I'm free today. Why?" I raised my eyebrows, I wonder what it is?

" Do you want to go date with me?" I looked down at him fiddling his fingers.

" Thats great"

"Are you for real" he asked excitedly

" Yeah why not, Its going to be fun."

"Okay I'll pick you up at 6pm" and he left. Wow already have a date at the second day of school.


Blake POV

When I arrived to school I spotted a certain brunette. Alexis.

Damn she looks beautiful today.

Wait beautiful? Where did that come from? I usually say hot or sexy.

I was walking towards them but then Trevor came up to me. "Hey man"" and we started doing our special hand shake.

" Hey man what's up?" I asked

"Nothing, but have you heard that Taylor asked Alexis to a date?" He asked.

He asked her to a Date? I felt fire burning inside me. What's wrong with me? "Did she say yes?" I gritted my teeth together.

" Yeah dude, she did" he finally said.

I felt as if someone poured hot boiling water on me.

She said yes, what in the hell?


Hey guys, once again I want to say that I'm sorry that I didn't update yesterday. I felt very bad that I wasn't able to.

Anyways like everyone knows, tomorrow is thanksgiving, and I'll try my best to update.

Tomorrow I'll he waking up, around 5am because i need to start cooking.

( I love cooking, I think that's how I can relate with Alexis) and then I have to go to church and help around there. Then service is going to start around 7pm and finish at 12am. Then we're heading to the stores for black Friday. Yep a hard day.

Los miro mañana!( see you tomorrow.)


Bye my little ducklings! ;)

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