Chapter 4

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I wake up and don't know where I am. Someone moves next to me. I sit up quickly and turn to see Draco laying next to me shirtless. He wakes up and says "hi."

"Why am I in your bed?" I ask quickly.

"You don't remember last night."

"I remember drinking that drink with you but that's it." He laughs. "Please tell me what happened."

"I think Becca gave you the wrong cup last night. Some had other stuff in it." This is going to be terrible. "So you don't remember anything."

"No, I am going to change and then come back here and you can tell me everything that happened." He nods and I get out of bed. I realise I am in my underwear, I pick up my dress. Draco stands up and I say "Draco." He laughs. "Don't worry I am wearing underwear." I run out of the room and into mine before anyone sees me. I open the door and see the Becca is the only one in there. She looks at me and I quickly change into jeans and put on Draco's jumper.

Becca asks "so where was you?" Raising her eyebrows.

I quickly say "I don't remember anything from last night. Draco is going to fill me in."

I step towards the door as she says "so you was with Draco last night?"

"I don't know but I will tell you when I find out." I go back to Draco's room and shut the door behind me. He's just wearing a towel. "Nice look."

He laughs and I turn my back so he can change. He hugs me from behind and says "you know you're wearing my jumper."

"Oh yeah. I like it." I sit on his bed and say "so what happen last night?"

"It was interesting. Ten minutes after you drank that drink you and Rebecca danced and that wasn't a bad part." Dreading this. "You erm, had a few admires last night. Loads of guys kept coming up to you and asking for a make out session, you refused and said you was taken." With who though.

He kept going, "they asked who and for the first five you told you couldn't see him and then everyone else you said....." How bad can it be? "Me." I scrunch my face together. "You came up to me and snogged me. I had to get you away from everyone, so I took you to my room. You thought it was your room and took off your dress."

I know I shouldn't ask but I had to know. "By any chance did we......"

He laughed and says "no but we snogged for ages and you, erm..... Grabbed me." He got slightly uncomfortable and I lay back on the bed. "I think you can guess where." He paused and laughed at me, I must be bright red. "We got on the bed and we kissed for a while and your ripped off my shirt because you said I am dead sexy and that you love my body." I put my hands over my face.

He pulls my hands down and takes them in his. He says "after that we just fell asleep." He pauses and looks at me "isn't that bad."

I laugh, "not that bad. I get high, refuse loads of guys because I tell them your my boyfriend. I snog you in front of everyone and make an idiot of myself when alone with you."

He laughs and pulls me close to him. He kisses me and pulls me on top of him. The door opens. Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and two other boys come and look at us. Blaise is grinning at us. I move of Draco and say "I need go talk to Becca." I run out before Draco can stop me.

I open the door and shut it again. Becca is still the only one in there. I tell her everything he told me and that he kissed me again. She grins at me. I ask "how did it go with Blaise?"

"He asked me out. He said you were helping him." I nod.

There is a knock at the door and I shout "come in." Blaise and Draco come in. I lay back on my bed, Blaise goes over to Becca and Draco sits on the end of my bed.

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