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Lucas's pov.

I laid awake now, just staring at the ceiling. Everything had flown by, I seemed to be on this zombie mode, or auto pilot. Things came and went, but I didn't even notice. Every beating, I grew more numb. Nothing seemed like it had a point anymore.

School started tomorrow, I knew I'd have to wake up, and pretend to be happy, and used to everything. I knew, I'd probably see Kale, Jack, and Raegan. How would I take that? Would I ignore them? Talk to them? I have no clue.

But before I knew it, I was falling asleep. Completely and utterly terrified.


Waking up, was as much as a struggle, as falling asleep was. Hard and nearly impossible. But with one deep breath, I was up. I messily showered, got dressed, and got everything together. I moved downstairs, avoiding all the creaks in the stairs, so I could go to school in peace. I slipped on my vans, and walked outside.

It was only 7 in the morning, and school didn't start till 8, but oh well. I figured I'd just put on music and swing on the swings or something. So I walked to school, headphones in, music on, and the world gone. It was a crisp morning out, school did start in the early fall, so it made sense to be a bit nippy out.

A little bit of morning dew still littered the grass, and birds flew, and people were just waking up. I saw the school come in view, I mean it wasn't that far from my dads, but it wasn't close either. I sighed and crossed the road to the school, I saw the swing set, and thought 'fuck it, let's be a little kid again.' So with that thought, I ran towards the swing set. I dropped my bag and got on, swinging back and forth.

I honestly forgot how calming this was, not just the swinging, but watching the sun rise, coming through the trees. Seeing the dew, fade away, and the leaves fall, slightly blowing because of the wind. Just seeing all the things, blend together, it was beautiful, and I loved it.

Eventually, people started arriving, I got off the swing, walking to one of the walls by the doors. There was many kids there, and you could pick out who was who, the stereotypes. Jocks, populars, nerds, emos, bad kids, and the outcasts.

I was in the outcast definition, but I had a emo twist, and I looked like the bad kids. Today, my outfit was simple, red flannel, my chemical romance tee, black ripped skinny jeans, and my hair flat, with my piercings all in. I looked typically bad, which I thought was fine, because people normal stay away from the bad kids, and that's what I wanted, to be alone.

Then I saw them. Kale and Jack, but no Raegan. Kale and Jack, they walked up to the doors, and stood next to them, going to another group of people. I don't even think they noticed me, and I liked that. I liked being alone.

Eventually, the bell rang, and I walked in, slumped, my back pack, loosely hanging on my shoulder, vans dragging behind me. I noticed a few kids, giving me curious glances, but were to scared to come up to me, and asked questions.

"Watch where you're going punk." Some said, pumping into me.

"How about, you don't be a asshole, and purposely pump into people, who want nothing to do with you." I said, and cocked a eyebrow at him, smirking when he stopped, and turned around.

"What'd you say punk?" He sneered, stalking over to me, his height difference blared over me, him seeming like a giant, and me a mouse. But I didn't care.

"I said, don't be a asshole." I said, and pushed him out of my way, and made my way through the crowd.

"Sure, run away, coward." He yelled after me, and I stuck up my middle finger, as of telling him to go fuck himself. And with that, I got my schedule from the office, as well as my locker information. And I walked to my locker, putting my bag in there, seeing as, were probably only going to talk about what we're doing this year, the same old boring shit as every year. But I opened my bag, and decided to get a notebook, and pencil, so I could doodle.

I walked to the home room, of Mrs.Johnson, and I prayed to god, Kale or Jack wasn't in it. And they weren't. Well, not actually a lot of people were here, just a few students, and a lady, who I assumed was Mrs.Johnson.

"Hello dear, I'm Mrs.Johnson, and I'll be your English and Arts teacher, as well as your home room." She introduced herself, and offered a hand.

"Hi Mrs.Johnson, my names Lucas, and I think we'll get along lovely, as I love both, art and English." I smiled, and shook her hand.

"Well that's great, I hope we have a amazing year then." She smiled, and then was interrupted by a kid asking for help, as she juggled many books.

"Would you excuse me, Alex, Alex, be careful!" She excused herself, and walked over to the girl, juggling the books, before helping her. I took this a chance, to take in everything around me. The students, the desks, the floors. It looked pretty boring, because not much of the walls were covered, except a few pictures here and there. I walked to the back, and plopped myself down in the far back corner. I sighed and rested my head on the desk.

The bell rang, and students piled in, and I mean piled. Kids shoved, their way in, not caring if they hurt anyone. Just to sit with their group of friends. I lifted my head just a bit, but enough to see Kale, and have eye contact with him. And he squeezed through the people, who were unsure of where to sit, and made his way towards me.

"Hey Lucas." He smiled and sat down next to me.

"Hi Kale." I muttered, tiredly, I wasn't trying to be rude, but I was tired.

"Hey what are those bruises from?" Kale pointed out, to my flannel sleeve, that had moved up a bit, showing bruises of purples and greens.

"Oh just me being clumsy, nothing to worry about." I smiled at him, and pulled my sleeve down.

"What happened? I mean, you being clumsy, what happened?" He asked, like he was trying to pry the answer out of me.

"I was dancing around my house, to music, and I tripped over a chair and fell to the ground, and the chair toppled with me, and fell on my arm." I explained, thinking of an excuse on the spot.

"Oh okay." He said, then Mrs.Johnson, introduced herself, and began talking about what we'd be doing, like I had assumed.

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