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Lucas's pov.

"Man, I'm stumped, I can't think of anything for this homework!" Kale said, sighing.

"Me either." I agreed with him, sighing along.

"We should go some where, to get inspiration." Kale suggested, and I nodded.

"I know just the place." I told him, with a smile.


"Are we almost there?" Kale asked, walking just behind me.

"Yeah, just up here." I confirmed, climbing up the hill, when we reached the top, Kale set the blanket he brought with him, on the grass, creating a little bed.

"Woah." Kale said, speechless, sitting down.

"How'd you find this place?" Kale questioned after, me sitting down with him.

"I was walking one day, and I saw this hill, and I wanted to be a kid, so I climbed up here to roll down it. And bam! I discovered this. It's beautiful isn't it?" I explained to him.

"It is." Kale agreed. The hill, was big, and out looked, a little part of the forest, and you could see the part of the golf course we lived by, but that stopped. And then it was just straight, trees. It was beautiful, gorgeous, and perfect.

"What do you do up here?" Kale wondered.

"Mostly it's a little get away, but I think, and just take in the scenery." I told him.

"Get away from what? It's just you and your dad, isn't it?" Kale questioned confused.

"Ya' know, life, depression, anxiety, dysphoria, this is a place where all that doesn't matter, I can be me. Lucas, not some emo, punk, freak. I can be spontaneous, adventurous, mysterious, I can be free. Ya' know?" I said, giving a definition of what I meant.

"Oh, I get that, well it's nice here, I can see why you like it." Kale told me.

"Love it." I corrected him, and he laughed, showing a smile.

"Why?" Kale asked.

"I love the separation where the ground meets the sky, and just balances everything out. I love how you can hear the birds, wind, and freedom. I love how everything just feels perfect. I love watching the sun set, turning into a deep blue, with twinkling little bulbs. It's my favourite." I clarified my reasons and we fell into a comfortable silence.

I took this time to study Kalvin, and everything really.

But mostly Kalvin.

I admired him, and his messy hair, and his pondering look, and he's ability to just make everything gorgeous and great. I adored, his messy look, with some black adidas joggers, with a tie dye shirt, with some converse. Of course with his hair. Just the way he made everything look so effortlessly, like he could take a bullet, and probably would still manage to make it look like he'd been hit by a pillow.

And the way he sat, with the sun, kissing his, flawless skin. Hair raiding the sun's colour, his cheekbones looking amazing with the sun there. His jawline, beautiful. And the way he just, curiously, looking out at everything. I smiled at him, and we laid there for hours.

We watched the sun go down, and the moon come up. The clouds fading, creating a clear starry night. The moon, was only half filled, but it emitted enough light. I broke our peaceful silence, by yawning.

"I think we should each head home, sound like a good idea?" Kale asked, I nodded, picking myself up, standing and stretching. Pulling down my flannel sleeves down again, and fixing my shirt. We folded the blanket, laughing, and we tiredly made our way down our road. When we stopped by the end of my side walk.

"Hey, you know if anything is going on, you can tell me right?" Kale assured me, I nodded.

"We're friends after all, right?" Kale asked, and I smiled.

"Yes, we are, listen I should get inside, my dad's probably worried." I told him, saying goodbye, waving to him as I walked inside. I sighed, trying to be quiet. Then I heard stumbling, and heavy footsteps, and I froze.

"I thought I told you not to come back tonight." He says through grit teeth.

"I-I'm sorry, but I-I have nowhere e-else to go." I whimpered scared, a few stray tears falling.

"I don't care! Your whore mother always found somewhere to go! And your just like her!" He screamed, somehow growing louder at the end.

"I-I'm s-s-sor-ry." I sobbed brokenly.

"Like hell you are, you're worthless, fucking useless!" He yelled, finally close enough to hit me. And he did, punched me right in the eye. I fell to the ground crunching my now, sore eye.

"Ugly! Fat! You're a mistake!" And the hits didn't stop, words were said at each hit. I tried to block most of them, but it was hard.

Then it stopped, somewhere around a half an hour later.

"Get out of my sight." He grimaced, and slumped in the kitchen chair. I limped up, my limbs so sore, I could fall any second. I made it away from him, and in my bed.

I cried silently, once I finally collapsed in my bed, not bothered to remove anything, but my shoes. Not bothered to get under the covers and just passed out.


In the morning I briefly showered, and got in some black sweat pants and a loose sweater. Of course with a sports bra and boxers underneath. I grabbed some black sunglasses and I made my way to school. The bell just ringing when I made it. I limped through the halls, going to my locker and got my text books.

I just realized I left my backpack at Kale's house. Fuck.

I sighed and made my way to English. Limping my way across the school to the classroom. I knocked before entering.

"Ah, Mr.Kamron, glad to see you, looking so ravishing this morning." She let out a brief laugh, and then nodded to the seats.

"Since it's only the second day, and the last day of the week I'll see you, I'll let you off, but just be aware, this won't happen again. Now go sit down." She told me, and I limped to the back, where my seat was.

"Okay class, now I want you to pull out your poems I asked you to do last night." She asked sweetly. Shit.

I raised my arm, ignoring the pain.

"Yes Mr.Kamron." She sighed and walked towards me.

"I, uh, couldn't do it." I told her.

"I'll see you at lunch then." She told me, and I sighed but nodded. I rested my head in my arms on my desk. Before I winced, when someone poked a big bruised on my shoulder.

"Luke, Lucas, Lukey, friend, bestie!" I heard someone try to get my attention, I realized I only had one friend and that was Kale.

"What Kale." I grumpled.

"What happened to you? You look horrible." Kale whispered.

"Gee thanks." I muttered sarcastically, lifting up my head a bit. Ignoring the annoyance of the uncomfortable sunglasses.

"Well you're wearing sweats, and sunglasses, you hair is a flop. You look horrible. So what happened?" Kale asked, still whispering.

"Nothing, just forget it." I told him, an laid my head back down. I thought back to last night and got a idea.

"Can I stay over at yours this weekend?"

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