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Lucas's pov.

"Please, I don't want to go home." I told him, looking at him pleadingly.

"Sure?" He answered as unsure as he sounded, let out a sigh of relief. So grateful I wouldn't have to go home, other than to get clothes.

I smiled at him and then looked back at the board and I saw her explaining something about how poems symbolize some things.


By the time lunch even arrived, I was exhausted, absolutely exhausted. But I went to Mrs.Johnson's room quietly, almost like tip-toeing.

"Ah, Mr.Kamron, so glad to see you this afternoon." She smiled, from her spot behind her desk.

"Please take a seat, and begin working." She ordered, somewhat nicely, I obliged and took a seat, getting out my notebook and pencil, and I started thinking.

I thought for a long time, about good times, and bad. I pondered over everything, people and places, friends and enemies.

I couldn't think of anything, but nothing gave me that pop, that thing that said sincere, love and gratitude. Or sad, heartbreak and hurt. I needed heart felt emotions, but all I felt was sadness and emptiness.

Except with Kale.

Right Kale, I liked Kale. He was nice. He wasn't mean or harsh, but soft and gentle, but also loud and happy. He was like puppy. A cute puppy.

I smiled at that. I liked Kale, he was funny, kind and positive. I loved that about him. Because he's not always sad, although I'm sure he has his days, that aren't to great, we all do.

I liked thinking about Kale, he makes me happy. And then I thought about last night, the hill, Kale, how amazing he looked with everything there.

I was blessed to have him in my life, even if it was only for a little time. He's made me incredibly happy. Even if it was an ounce.

An ounce, was better than nothing.

Kale, he has this vibe around him, carefree and loveable, sweet and humble, loud and cunning, crazy and fun.

And I love it all.


After school was hectic, students retreated, like waves from a shore. It was incredible, but frustrating, because I couldn't find Kale anywhere.

Finally I spotted his sweater, grey with white strings. Not to far, sitting by some trees, by a familiar head of curly hair.

I walked over, not lightly either, it was like a skip, a half jog maybe. But I made it, after dodging some of the students, that were late coming out, or waited for a friend.

"Hey guys." I smiled at them, gaining the attention from their parted whispers.

"Oh hey Luke, ready to walk?" Kale asked, running his hand threw his hair and picking up his bag that was lying by his feet.

"Yeah, is Jack coming?" I asked, politely as possible.

"Oh, no? He's got to go home for a bit, but he will come over eventually." Kale explained, looking at Jack, who was shifting awkwardly on his feet, while looking at the dirt.

"Great, the more the merrier." I laughed breathily, looking at Jack, who caught my eye and smiled at me.

"Okay, well, uh, let's go?" Kale coughed out anxiously. Why's he so nervous?

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