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(Just a note, Justin and Raegan only had a fling, they aren't dating in this. They met because they became internet best friends.)

Lucas's pov.

"Hey what's up guys, It's ya boy, Raegan Beast, and I'm here with my friends-" Raegan introduced himself but was cut off.

"Kale!" Kale said jumping into the screen.

"Jack." Jack said, walking in and flopping on Kale. We were now in Kale's second room, I liked to call it his aesthetic room.

"Ow! Get off!" Kale whined. All the comments were filling with positive messages, things like;

'Omg it's been forever since there was a live with you three!'

'Wow you all are so hot, I can't.'

'Holy crap, you guys are perfect!'

"Awh thank you guys, you guys are perfect." Raegan gushed out. I was awkwardly just sitting to the side so no one could thankfully see me. I spoke to soon, because then, Raegan looked at me.

"Actually you guys, we have one more." Raegan said and then got up, walking over to me, I shook my head 'no', but don't forget he's stronger than me. And once again in the same night he picked me up, and then walked back into the laptops view, he sat down and I went with him, sitting in his lap.

"Ladies and Gents and everyone in between, this is Lucas, Lucas this is my Razzlers!" Raegan said, making me blush and hide in the closest thing, which was Raegan's shoulder.

"Guys note this, he is a smol bean, and I vow to protect him, for now, and for always." Raegan said looking down at me, which I knew, because I felt his muscles move.

"Stop looking at me like that." I mumbled.

"And don't say stuff you don't actually mean." I pouted, getting out of the nook of his neck.

"But I do mean it." Raegan told me, and it was cute, but we're being watched not only by a lot of fans, but also Jack and Kale. I looked back at them, and they were wide eyed, staring at the computer screen.

"What?" I asked confused, and looked at the screen. I went wide eyed too.

'Raegan x Luke = Ruke.'

'Ruke forever.'

'Rucas is life'

'Jaegan who?'

'I ship.'

"Oh crap..." I said slowly.

"Hey at least there accurate." Raegan said, pointing at the screen.

"I would so top." Raegan laughed.

"I can't be shipped with you!" I yelled at him, looking at him.

"Why not?" He asked bluntly.

"Be-because, well because- I don't like you." I stated shakily.

"Yet!" Raegan said, then kissed me on the cheek, making me go red.

"Uhhhhhh..." I said dumbly, my mouth gaping, eyes wide and heart racing.

"Cat got your tongue?" Regan asked.

"W-wait? You like me?" I stuttered out.

"Yup." He smiled.

"No, no, no, you can not like me, I am unlikeable." I shortly ranted.

"That's not true." Jack said cutting in.

"It is, no one can like me." I stated, no one can like me.

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