Chapter 1

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"Oh my god Riley have you seen the new guy?" Maya asks running up and nearly tackling me in the school hallway before first period on the first day of school

"Not yet so spill" I say and she squeals and then starts going on and on about how hot he is

"did you see our schedule yet?" she asks and I groan

"uh don't remind me remind me again why they have to teach here" I say and she laughs

"come on Ri it won't be that bad it's only 5 classes" she says as we walk into our first class History and take our seats knowing our teacher is my parents old teacher/ principal/ professor/ my dad's old neighbor Mr.Feney

"Good Morning class" he says after the bell rings then his eyes land on me Maya and Farkle Minkus Maya's nimuasus and I swear I hear him mumble something about retirement before assigning us books and stuff for the year and making us fill out papers

"Ms . Matthews Ms. Heart and Mr.Minkus stay after the bell" he says moments before the bell and I turn to Maya

'What'd you do?' I mouth to her and she shrugs

"Ok Ms. Mathews Mr. Minkus as you should know I taught your parents when they were your age and Ms. Mathews I know both of your parents quite well your fathers did not get along when they were your age and you remind me a great deal of them so I will make myself clear I will not tolerate any of you three disturbing my class Ms. Heart you are included in this because you remind me a bit too much of Mr.Shaun Hunter at least as of now hopefully my assessments are incorrect" he says and I turn to Maya who has a huge smile

"Really? Sweet!" she says and gives me a high five while Feney just rolls his eyes and dismisses us which is Math and were late

"Sorry Mr. Feney kept the three of us after class" Minkus told Dad and shot me a smirk knowing dad will guess the worst and he did of course because he has absolutely no faith in me at all he had us take an assessment quiz and then held Maya and I after class

"what did you do?" he asked and Maya smiled

"nothing Dad he was just warning us no to distribut his class said Me and Minkus remind him to much of you and Minkus' father and Maya remind him of Uncle Shaun" I said and his face went white for a second before he sighed ruffled our hair and sent us to our next class which is science with mom we had to fill out information cards and sign papers after that it was lunch we have first lunch which is normally great but when your related to or know 4 out of 5 of your teachers it's stress full and school is stressful enough as it is

"Sup Ri Maya get lucky this year?" my cousin Tony asks taking a seat in front of us along with my brother Eliot

"I wish we have all of them and your dad twice" I say and he laughs

"we've had dad and your mom and got feney next , Feheheheney!" he says and yells the last part across the cafe causing people to turn and look at us and I can see Feney cringe from across the cafe

"Hey Lucas over here" Tony calls and Maya and I exchange looks

"Sup" he say when he gets to the table and sits next to me earning a sight glare from El but its nothing major

"this is my cousin Eliot his sister Riley and her best friend Maya guys this is Lucas he's new you girls should show him around I wish we could but we gotta go annoy Feney promised dad we'd leave him alone" he said with a smirk and Maya and I laughed as they left and we turned to Lucas

"So whats he have against this feney guy?" he asks and I honestly can't speak he's gorgeous

"Feney has known Tony Eliot and Riley since before they were born he was their parents Neighbor then Teacher then Principal Then Professor and now Colleague Tony's Dad Coach Mathews use to try to annoy Feney and now Tony does at least untill Mr. Mrs. and Coach Mathews find out and he gets in trouble" Maya says and I give her a greatful smile

"Shit code F closeing in we're trapped" she says and I gasp normally we're able to avoid these situations but before I could do anything Dad and Uncle Eric poped up

"Hey Ri who's the boy?" Dad asked and my mouth went dry I turned to Maya and mouthed mom and luckily she understood

"He's just a friend Daddy his names Lucas Tony introduced us then he and El went to bug Feney" I said hopeing to distract them long enough for Maya to get mom in here but I had no such luck they had been grilling the boy for at least 5 minutes before my mother came in the cafeteria furious and grabed both their ears

"we'll talk later Riley" she says and I brush before she drags them both out

"Sorry about them I'm my dad's only daughter and my uncle's only neice so they are really over protective of me oh and Maya too but mainly me" I say and he smiles

"so are you Tony's sister?" he asked Maya and she nearly choked

"No she's been my best friend since like forever she's practically family to the point that they act like siblings but El is in love with her and she may or may not like him back" I say and he nods

"cool" he says and we talk more before we got class we avoid Uncle Eric as much as possible during English I know scarry to think a man who refused to pick up a book when he was in school teaches English and then we have band (I play flute Maya is percussion) and then last we have Gym once again with Coach Mathews ie Uncle Eric he makes us run laps which I think may be punishment for sicing mom on him and dad

"Dad Maya's coming over for dinner do you or mom have time to pick up Auggie or do you want us to get him on our way home?" I ask

"Actually Shaun is in town and will pick you all up today" he said and we squealed

"K see you at home" I yell as we leave and Maya grabs Eliots hand as we pass him talking to some girl in the hall

"Mayas coming for dinner Uncle Shaun's in town he's picking us up we gotta go" I say and he stops struggling as Tony catches up with us

"Uncle Shaun!" we all yell when we see him and he smiles and hugs all four of us and smiles

"Come on we gotta get Auggie Tony does your dad know your coming home with me?" he asks and Tony quickly texts his dad

"he does now" he says and Shaun shakes his head before getting Auggie from daycare and heading to the Apartment Tony lives 2 floors above us with his dad he heads home while Shaun and Maya come to our Apartment

"So how was school" Shaun asks with a smirk and I groan again

"Horrible you think having Feney was bad we have him first period then their Dad second period their Mom third period Uncle Eric forth period band 5th period and Uncle Eric again 6th period on the bright side Feney compared me and Ri to you and their dad" Maya says and I hear him laugh before we head up to my room

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