Chapter 2

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Maya's POV

"Eliot Girls Dinner" Aunt Tapanga yells and we run down stairs and to the table and take our normal seats I have a normal seat because I'm here almost every dinner

"So Maya how is your Mom?" Uncle Shaun asked he's not my real uncle but he's not Riley's real uncle either I've been Riley's best friend since forever though so I call her family like I would my own if I had family

"She's sick again sadly" I lie my mom left to be with her new boyfriend he has to be at least half her age

"oh that's too bad what is it?" he asks suspicious and I know if anyone is going to figure out she left it will be Uncle Shaun

"it's just a bug I think but it's best to keep away I have been exposed already but you guys haven't" I say and he nods

"well I'll be sure to send you home with some chicken Soup" Aunt Tapanga says and I smile I'll have food tomorrow

"Thank you Aunt Tapanga I'm sure she'll appreciate it she does love your soup" I say and she smiles I sneek food in my purse when nobody is looking but I'm pretty sure Shaun knows something is up the evening ends too soon and before I know it it is time for me to leave

"it's getting late I should be going after all we have school tomorrow" I say and Shaun jumps up

"I'll drive you" he volunteers

"No it's fine really I don't live far" I try only to get the parental look and I am forced to agree and climb in the car with him

"Ok is this going to go the easy way or the hard way?" he asked and sighed when I wouldn't meet his eyes

"Maya I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong" he says and I don't look up I know what will happen I will tell him he will go to the cops they will put me in a girls home I am honestly better off living on the streets like I am now all my clothes is stashed in a hollow tree in central park I wash and fix my hair at grand central station every day eat at the Mathews and sleep in a slide at the park I have for 3 months now I can take care of myself

"Nothings wrong I'm fine" I say and he gives me a look

"I saw your mom in California last week with some College Student you know I knew your mom when we were kids we grew up in the same trailer park she said she left you three months ago figured you moved in with the Mathews but you didn't" he says and I freeze

"I don't want to go to a girls home" I say and he nods

"I get it trust me I do my mom wasn't the best either lets go get the stuff you stashed than we'll go to my place I have an extra room we'll discuss everything with the Mathews and maybe the police tomorrow" he says and I can't help but nod as he takes me too pick up my clothes

"Wait you have an apartment?" I ask and he laughs

"yeah I'm moving back here to New York already have an apartment" he says with a smile and we go up to his apartment

"Alright get some sleep you have school tomorrow" he says and hugs me

"Thanks Uncle Shaun" I say and then head to the extra room and fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow

"Maya wake up you have school" Shaun says knocking on my door

"I'm already up" I say walking out the door and sitting in the kitchen with Shaun

"Wow your up early are you hungry I can make toast" he says and I smile

"you make the toast I'll make us eggs" I say and he smiles

"Thanks sweetie" he says and hugs me before we eat

"Ok so after school today we talk with Cory and Tapanga and depending on how that goes we'll get the police involved" he said and I nodded reluctantly and got in the car for him to drive me to school

"Alright I'm on carpool duty again so I'll be getting all of you after school have fun" he says and I roll my eyes and get out the car and head to my locker before catching up to Riley

"Hey Maya why are you so late normally your here before me" she says as I take the seat behind her in feney's class

"over slept luckily Uncle Shaun was able to give me a ride or I would probably miss this class and worry your parents and Uncle Eric" I say and she laughs as Mr. Feney starts class which I tune out and start throwing tiny papers into Minkus' hoodie I don't know why hate the kid but I do every thing about him just irritates me when Feney sees what I'm doing he sends me a look to which I shrug innocently and am out of that class as soon as the bell goes off heading towards Uncle Cory's class with Riley

"So why didn't you tell me Uncle Shaun is moved back to New York?" I ask walking into class and taking my seat she takes hers in front of me and then turns around sharply

"What" she shreaks earnings us a glare from her dad

"Yeah he told me last night he already got an apartment you didn't know?" I ask and she shakes her head and glares at her dad before pulling out her phone and turning around

'You have some explaining to do! Eric may become my favorite Uncle why didn't you tell me you moved back

☆.★' she sent Shaun and then sent a similar one to her parents

'Maya told you? figured she would your parents don't even know yet you tell em? Eric really? I'm hurt! sorry Ri but honestly Maya is the only one who knew pay attention in clss or your dad will chew me out see you after you get out' I read over her sholder before Uncle Cory snatched it from her hand and reads it before looking shocked but then hands it back when the bell rings

"Not during class Miss. Mathews I'll speak with your Uncle later Miss. Heart I need to speak with you before your next class" he says and I nod knowing it was probably about my Mom

"Go ahead to class tell your mom I'm talking to your Dad" I tell Riley and she reluctantly nods

"Alright Maya I talked to Shaun last night and to say I was shocked would be an understatement I am so sorry I really should have noticed your like another daughter to Tapanga and I and yet we failed to realize you needed our help" he said and I smiled

"I don't blame you I mean you have three of your own kids plus you have helped me alot even if you don't realize it my mother is the only one to blame" I say and he nods

"Alright well Shaun is coming to meet with me Tapanga Eric and Feney here during lunch and I think you should come as well and we will try to figure out a course of action to take that doesn't involve the police or a girls home he said and a weight I hadn't even realized I was carrying seemed to be lifted off my shoulders and I nodded trying desperately to keep the tears from my eyes and hugged him

"Thank you I'll be here Uncle Cory" I say with a smile before he shoes me off to my next class where I'm already 20 minutes late so I walk in and take my seat silently behind Riley

"So what was that about?" Riley asked when we got out

"Apparently I have a detention during lunch today so I gotta grab my food and go" I say and she looks shocked

"why?" she asks

"Feney called him and told him what I was doing to Minkus but it's fine I don't think it'll be that bad see you in English" I say grabbing my food

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