Chapter 3

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When I get there they are all waiting for me and I'm kinda nervous Shaun takes my lunch and hands me a McDonald's bag and a Starbucks coffee and then he dumps my lunch in the trash

" Alright so it is safe to say I know you the least Miss. Heart which is why I am here to make sure feelings don't get in the way of what is best for you" Mr. Feney says and I nod

"Ok so when I saw your mom in California she gave me these papers they are to transfer guardianship she signed it and left it blank probably figuring Cory and Tapanga will become your Guardians but it gives us the opportunity to figure who would be the best choice as your Guardian" Uncle Shaun said and I nod understanding

"Well Uncle Cory and Aunt Tapanga are the most experienced with being parents as they have 3 children of their own and have helped raise me but that being said you do have 3 kids and though you may say otherwise I know it will be hard on you to take me in as well then there's Uncle Eric I know you would happily take me in and like uncle Cory and aunt Tapanga you had a hand in raising me but you have Tony and Tony and I living in the same house may not be the smartest thing then there is Uncle Shaun you have no children no wife and are pretty much alone but I honestly think you may be the best choice because he understands me the best you realized something was wrong and got me to talk about it within a day of being back even with my mom telling you you actually cared enough to call me out on it but you have never been one to stay in one place for too long you three are the only options I will even consider because I do not want to end up in a girls home and then there is Ri El Tony and Auggie Ri is my very best friend but I can't tell her she won't understand same with El Tony might because well you know how his mom is but we don't really see eye to eye and Auggie is to little to understand any of this" I say going through everyone and the pros and cons

"Well obviously all of us are willing to take you in" Shaun says with a smile

"we've all known you since you were little and none of us would even think twice about taking you in but ultimately it is up to you to decide what you think is best for you and we will all support whatever you decide to do it is your life and if you need our help we'll be beside you the whole way" Shaun said and I smiled threw the tears that were now streaming down my face

"I love you all you know that right even you Mr.Feney you don't even know me very well and yet your still here during your free time to help me it means so much to me I don't want to be a burden on any of you-" I started but Feney cut me off

"Miss. Heart um Maya I've known these people since they were younger then you are now and I can tell they all really do think of you as family and I know that family means everything to them if you allow any of them to adopt you or become your guardian they will do so happily and family is never a burden and no matter who you choose all four of them will be your family" Feney said and I smiled

"Thank you um Shaun if I had my choice I'd pick you because I think you understand me best but this is just as much your decision as it is mine and I know it's a huge decision" I say and he smiles hugely and before hugging me

"oh course I'll take you in Maya but you know as well as I do that I will never be the best father figure but that's what Cory's for after all" he said and I laughed as he signed the papers and then the bell rang signaling I had to get to English and Uncle Eric led me there because I was still pretty choked up about everything that just happed

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