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!!smut warning!! if you don't want to read, just wait for the next chapter, you won't be missing anything.
this is honestly the worst thing i've ever written and i hate myself for it.

Somehow they've found their way back to the apartment. Lance drifts about the rooms, taking in evidence of the brothers' lives, while Keith fumbles with his phone.

It rings a few times before Shiro answers. "Hey, what's up?"

"Uh, hi. Could you maybe do me a small favour and stay with Hunk tonight? Or something. Just...not come home?"

There is a pause at the other end of the line. "So I'm guessing Lance is happening?" Keith grimaces as he imagines the grin on Shiro's face and knows he's going to be hearing about it. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Be safe!" He catches the amused edge of Shiro's words and silently curses his brother as he ends the call, tossing his phone aside.

Lance pokes his head in from the bedroom. "We're good?"

"We're good," Keith confirms, stepping timidly in Lance's direction. The boy retreats into the shadowy room and Keith follows him slowly, eyes glancing at the window and finding that it's started to rain heavily, overcasting the sunset with swollen grey clouds.

Lance pushes the door closed behind Keith, pulling him in by the waist. "You're not going to back out on me now?"

He shakes his head, not trusting his words, and tries to focus on the way that Lance's cold eyes seem to reflect the dim light. His human qualities seem to have fallen away. Keith doesn't want to lose them. He leans in first.

Although Keith makes the initial move, it only takes a second for Lance to take control. He is forward in a compassionate sort of way that makes Keith's stomach flutter, especially when the boy sweeps him into his strong arms and moves them towards the bed. Once his back touches the blankets, Keith melts into the kiss with newfound encouragement, tugging on Lance's lip gently. Lance grunts and pulls away to tug his shirt over his head, tossing it aside while Keith takes in this new piece of his body.

Unfair, his muscles are so perfectly sculpted and tanned.

Keith tenses as Lance's hands skim under the hem of his own shirt, suddenly self-conscious about showing off his body, which is definitely not on the same level as Lance's. He might be fit, but not god tier.

As if sensing his insecurities, Lance captures Keith's attention with a sloppy kiss again, and once Keith's hands are exploring his torso, Lance works the shirt over his head before the boy can hesitate again. They both turn their attention to their jeans and boxers.

"If you're a god, can't you just, you know," Keith snaps his fingers, smiling teasingly as Lance struggles with his belt.

"Shut up."

"Make me?"

Lance silences him by pressing his lips against the boy's collarbone, teeth gently grazing the pale skin and causing Keith to nearly bite his own tongue. He spends some time nibbling and running his tongue along that spot before sliding lower, touching kisses along the way. Keith leans his head back and lets Lance have his way.

"You've done this before," Lance murmurs, smiling dazedly as Keith reaches down and runs his fingers through Lance's hair. He hums in agreement. The god returns to Keith's face. "This is going to get me in a lot of trouble."

"Then we better do it fast," Keith growls. He's impatient already.

Lance smirks and retreats to Keith's hips, gliding the tip of his tongue over Keith's exposed cock. The black-haired boy gasps as Lance wastes no time taking it into his mouth, hands twisting around the shaft while he moved around the head with his mouth. Watching Keith's fingers curl into the sheets adds to Lance's half-hard boner.

Keith groans lowly as Lance sucks him off, lips clearly experienced. It doesn't take long before Keith is panting and bordering on the edge.

"Lance," he warns in a breathy tone.

The boy responds quickly, licking the tip of his cock one last time before straightening up. Even he is starting to get frustrated with the slow pace, listening to the airy sighs from Keith's throat. Keith points wordlessly to the dresser where Lance opens the first drawer to find lube.

Keith's eyes are heavily lidded as Lance preps himself, about to lather his fingers when Keith grips his wrist tightly. "Don't. Just...just go."

He doesn't think twice before adjusting Keith's legs and lining up with his entrance.

Both of them stifle a whine as Lance slides in. Keith wonders if he's made a mistake while being so impatient, because, shit, it hurts. A lot. He tenses even though he knows that's going to make it worse.

Lance leans over him, pressing his lips against Keith's neck and sucking roughly. The sensation distractions him from some of the pain. As they mess around with each other's mouths again, Keith rolls his hips cautiously on Lance's dick to get himself accustomed.

"Okay," he says softly, and Lance begins to slowly move himself inside of Keith.

He tries to watch Lance's face, the boy's icy gaze surprisingly heated while he grunts and thrusts deeper. As the pace picks up, Keith's back arches and he drops his head onto the mattress. A loud moan escapes him, tinged with Lance's name, and he feels his ears burning until Lance sighs deeply.

"You're so hot," he murmurs.

Keith gives a breathy chuckle. It's cut off short as Lance adjusts his angle and rubs against Keith in a way that makes his toes curl, inhaling sharply. He closes his eyes and digs his fingernails into Lance's muscular back as he continues to thrust against that spot.

Lance whines, "Keith, I'm g-going to-"

He moans in response.

They ride out their highs together, panting in a tangle of arms and legs. When Lance pulls out, tanned skin flush, Keith loops his hands around his neck and pulls him down for a mouthy kiss, tongues pressing against each other experimentally. Finally Lance breaks away.

"Okay, that's enough for one night," he pecks Keith on the cheek and moves to clean up, Keith following him after taking a moment to gather himself.

Once they are both showered and the evidence of their night is more or less hidden, they slide into bed together and Keith falls asleep in long, snug arms. 

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