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When Keith was a kid, he used to think that he had a decent pair of sea legs.

It seems that all familiarity with the rolling waves has abandoned him over the years, made obvious by the way he wobbles around the deck with both hands clung tight to the railing and glaring at the water with distrust, flinching as the spray cools his face. He looks to the horizon to remind himself that the sky is blue and cloudless, and judging by the expression on Lance's face as he holds the wheel, it won't be storming any time soon.

The boat is big, and Keith doesn't know how else to put it. He still hasn't quite gotten over his shock of being dragged out of bed by a grown man acting like a puppy, after months of radio silence from Lance, for a proud reveal of Lance's new vessel.

"I'm calling it Princess Allura!" He had declared, and when met by a raised eyebrow from Keith, he had admitted, "I'm still making it up to her."

They have travelled far, with only a distant shadow to indicate land, when Lance decides to let the boat drift. He joins Keith on the deck.

"I thought you didn't like the ocean," Lance teases, giving him a playful elbow in the ribcage.

"What gave you that impression?" He says with a smile. The sun is warm on his face, although Keith's fingers are pretty much turned to ice cubes from the cold wind. He's relieved that they've stopped moving. "I haven't been on a boat know." Keith won't admit it - the god's ego is big enough as is - but after avoiding it for years after his parent's accident, he's forgotten how much he loves being at sea, with nothing but open water and open sky around them. It's strangely peaceful.

Lance slides his fingers between Keith's, fitting them together like puzzle pieces. "How have you been?"

"Really good," and he means it. The unusually warm and clear summer has brought in more tourists than the little town could have hoped for, and Voltron had made more sales in the past month than during the entire off-season. It isn't enough to get them out of the woods entirely, but the I'm really sorry about your arm...and face...and everything donation that Allura had made towards the store certainly set them on their way to recovery. Shiro has, for the most part, gotten used to his prosthetic arm.

It had been fun trying to explain all of that to Hunk and Shay.

"It's been a while," he says, because he doesn't want to talk about himself. He wants to talk about them.

Lance turns his back to the water and leans on the rail with an exaggerated sigh. "Ugh, yeah. There are still some things that need to be cleaned up, and the others get fussy if I leave Altea for too long."

"Will you stay tonight?" Keith asks softly.

"That depends," the god answers with a smirk, already leaning closer. "Did you miss me?"

Keith can nearly taste his lips. Lance, I love you.

"You know I did." 


just a little chapter to finish things up...first of all, thank you all SO MUCH for reading this. i don't even know how to properly express how grateful i am to everybody that's taken time to read this,, thank you.

come and find me on instagram @keithsgaythoughts. i love to make friends and yell about space gays and other fandoms. seriously, i'm awkward as fuck but i don't bite so just slide into those dm's....i actually don't really post much but i am going to be using it to keep you guys up-to-date for my next fic, which brings me to:

while i have been editing and posting the last few chapters of this fic, i've actually been working quite hard on the beginnings of a new fic! unfortunately i am not going to be able to post it this week because i'm swamped with work and getting ready for school...but the first chapter should be up after the weekend. it's going to be a bit different than this one and in my opinion much better. so keep your eyes open for that! 

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