Hurt ~ (xVanoss)

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Age: 25
Warning: Angst

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The picture frame in the palm of my hand was now cracked as blood dripped on the ground. I let out a scream of frustration, I kept it in for so long, now I can let it all out. I cried out picking up the blade I had in a sharpener.

Never once have I thought to do this, I couldn't think straight, my mind wasn't in the right place. I squeezed it into my palm as blood poured out of the stinging wound. Slowly I slid it across my arm like a paper cut.

The red stained my shaking hands. The colour burned in my mind along with what I had just done. A sickness crawled within me as I tried to wash the stains off but, the stains stayed etched into my mind - an eternal reminder of the act I had committed.

I can't think, I'm not thinking straight, I just cried at everything in my life as it toppled over me, crushing me. "Hey Y/n! You ok?" I knew that voice, it was Evan, my next door neighbor.

"I-I'm fine, pl-ease just go.." The sound of his footsteps walking away filled the room with silenced as I stared at my arms in which blood reformed again. "No, no, he won't care, he won't." I knew he wouldn't, Evan wouldn't care so why bother. He's my neighbor after all.


I watched her/him through the window in shock, yeah it's a bit weird but, but I care about her/him. S/he's not different, s/he's not basic, s/he's unique. I love her/him.

My eyes stared at her/his bleeding arms as s/he sobbed uncontrollably, why would s/he do this to her/himself? I walked back home getting my medical kit out near my bedroom passing Y/n's picture in my house.

It was when we both went to DisneyLand, oh the memories we had. Puking, fighting little kids, eating food, lots of more puking.. I returned back to her/his home remembering the key s/he hidden inside her/his bushes.

   "Y/n?" I called out opening the door finding many things everywhere from books to plates, to furniture scattered.

"E-Evan?" I found her/him staring at me with her/his e/c eyes. S/he curled into a ball while crying uncontrollably, "Hey, hey.. Look Y/n what's the matter?" It was no use, s/he didn't respond to what I said.

I felt guilt and sympathetic, like it was my fault s/he was like this. I pulled her/him close smelling their comforting scent. S/he loosened her/his grip as s/he layed her/his head on my shoulder.

S/he let out a quiet snore cuddling closer as I blushed at the feeling, I just wish s/he would feel the same way. Carefully I picked her/him up heading toward the bedroom leaning closer.

"I hope you know I love you.." I layed her/him on her/his bed while kissing her/his forehead walking away. "Hey Evan?"

"I hope you know I love you too.."

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