Haterade ~ (xMini) (xWildcat)

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Age: 23 - 21 - 24

Request For:

Special Guest(s): Shane Dawson because I'm sh00k.


  "Craig fucking stay away from Y/n s/he's fucking mine, got it?"  Craig growled in anger, his hand curled into a fist. "Tyler, s/he isn't yours, s/he's mine, GOT IT?"

   I whimpered hearing the recording over and over that F/n sent me, they actually like me more than friends. They're always so happy when we record, what has happened to them? I happened.

  They like me and I like them, isn't that hard enough? I like Craig for his personality and his dyed hair that always seems to change. I like Tyler for his harsh jokes and how he always sticks up for me and calls Evan or Jonathan "fags" for me. It's all my fault, if I hadn't joined, if I hadn't even met them, if I only hadn't liked both of them.


Tyler and I have the same opinions, we're almost alike,

We both hate each other.

We both absolutely think I'm hotter

We both like Y/n.

We both want her/him.

Simple enough to clarify our similarities, on the contrast he'll never get her/him, s/he's mine of course. After our little fight the other day, I've decided to ask her out. Nothing is going to go wrong, my love~


   With butterflies in my stomach and my head buzzing with possibilities, my body trembled as they landed on the doorstep of a certain someone's home. Y/n L/n. My hand held a bouquet of f/f while the other slowly made its way on the wooden surface of the door and knocked.

"What on Earth are you doing here Tyler!" Him. I growled turning to the fucking undecided colour hair freak and spat on him. "Craig? What the fuck are you doing here yourself?" My voice deepened as my grip onto the flowers were tight like a jar.

  "I'm going to make what's mine, well mine." He smirked pushing me aside. "The hell, s/he isn't yours Craig s/he's mine! And besides, I was here first." "I beg your pardon? S/he totally likes me more than s/he'll ever like you." I took the flowers in my hand chucking them to the ground as I threw a punch at the Brit.


   A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Craig's body. As more punches were thrown his stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken. "You're not gonna win this fight." He said spitting out blood. Bruised and winded, with a leg in agony, he grabbed the foot of Tyler and pulled him to the ground. Tyler's head was pounding as he fell, bringing a fist to the Craig's face, hearing a loud scream come in front of the two.

  A volt of guilt flashed before them as they saw the teary e/c eyed girl/boy. "W-why?" The stared at each other's bruises for a moment because concluding the answer, why did they to be exact? "W-we like you, w-e wanted y-you for ourselves." Tyler only sighed at Craig's response to the h/c hair girl/boy.

  "Don't you think I know that already?!"

  "I've liked you guys too, for a long time. I-I loved both of you, b-but I couldn't choose!" S/he stuttered at her/his own words walking around leaving the boys to comprehend her/his confession." "But now,"

"I don't like any of you."

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