I Love You ~ (xMoo)

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Age: 18

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Y/n had had that shy look and wasn't always talkative. Always behind those slightly pursed lips was a smile just waiting to be tempted out. I never wanted to guess where s/he was from in case I got it wrong, I liked her/him. Sometimes s/he'd look my way and I generally pretended not to notice, too embarrassed to stare back. But when I did return her/his glances I didn't have to try to smile, it just came naturally.

In those moments s/he would blush ever so slightly as I'd imagine her/him being mine. But some people are worth the wait and s/he was of them. I didn't have to think twice to say I loved her/him. We were so close, it's always been that way ever since Middle School.

I watched her/him on the bench wiggling in her/his seat as s/he pointed to random objects at the Park. "Look Brock, it's a Common Grackle!" I stared where her/his finger pointed seeing a blue and black bird. "It's adorable," S/he whispered as it moved closer to us.

  I smiled while staring at Y/n who got her/his phone out taking a picture, this is one of the reasons I loved her/him

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I smiled while staring at Y/n who got her/his phone out taking a picture, this is one of the reasons I loved her/him. S/he's always so interesting in nature and it's beauty, I stared intensely at her/him looking at her/his h/c hair and e/c eyes. "Are you alright Brock?" S/he paused with a tilted head.

"N-no, I'm fine Y/n.." I stuttered as s/he leaned in hugging me. "Whatever it is Brock, I'm here, I'll always be here."

I really do love her.


I'm in love with him.

He never leaves my mind, he's always there; mentally if not physically. It's just incomprehensible. He's my closest friend I've ever had and it's no doubt he'll never be replaced. In a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need him in my life. I love him so much for being there, letting me cry on his shoulder - it's just a friendly jester. I'm in love with him and I've always know I was ever since high school started.

This feeling is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body. It's overwhelming, yet makes me feel complete. It has no bound nor length nor depth it's just absolute. It feels as though I'm in a dangerous fire, yet I'm completely safe at the same time. It feels as though someone's given me peace. It feels as though my heart is dancing around my chest and a hole, I was never aware was there, has been filled. I feel so light, like I'm on top of the world yet my heart is constricting and it feels as if there's no oxygen in my lungs.

It's strange how you can go from someone being one of the closet friend to them. I know we're only young, and most people would consider me to be foolish and naïve, but it's true when I say that I love him more than I could ever love myself. He's my best friend and, as cheesy as it sounds, he's my anchor. If only he would feel the same.

"Thanks Y/n, it's getting pretty late," he said calming down with a small smile. "How about we watch the sunset?" I suggested as he nodded in agreement. Our eyes watched the sun which was sinking fast now as the sky had turned to a clear, purple-tinged grey, but to the west there was a ruby-red glow.

I leaned on Brock's chest as I sat in his lap while his head was on top of mine. "It's beautiful.." I muttered as I close my eyes with a soft smile. "Y/n?" He whispers to me as I reply with a soft hum. "I've wanted to say it for awhile, and well, I love you."

My eyes opened in shock and happiness as I let a small giggle escape my lips. "You, you really like me?" I get up facing Brock now as our noses touched and our lips inches away. "Always have, always w-," I kissed him and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our lips mingled.

His fingers ran down my spine, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us as I could feel the beating of his heart against my own chest. "I love you too Brock, always will."

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