Don't Say It Don't Think It (i) ~ (xBBS)

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Age: 29
Warning: Angsto

Request For:


Don't Say It Don't Speak It

"Are you ok Y/n?"


"I-I'm fine, - can we move on now?"


"Alright, I just hope you know, I'm here for you. Ok?"


"Y-Yeah, thanks Evan. I'll see you later."



        The loud noise made you jump, as you ran to your dresser. You began fixing your makeup, worried spread across your face. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Quickly applying the last touches you hear the bedroom door open, realizing last minute that you had left the Skype tab open. It had revealed your username and friend list. "Y/N!" This was it, no time to hide but to face your mistake and disobedience.

        Footsteps rushed over to the bathroom you were in as R/n grabbed you by the throat. Gasping you stared at his green eyes as his frowned lips twisted into a sly grin. You were choking as you scratched at his hands, hoping to get them pried off of your throat. "P-please.." Spitting on you, he dropped you on the floor creating a bang along with a few things falling from the shelf above you now.

        "Clean that up." He hissed slamming the door along his words. You had not felt pain for a split second before it grew as you stared at your foot. He had slammed it on the door creating a newly formed bruise on your leg. You tried moving yourself but gave a tiny cry for help as you picked yourself up.

        Falling to the ground again weakly, another pain hit your hand, as you slowly revealed your hand to yourself you looked at it in horror. It had revealed the blade you had used so many times, not caring if they were shown to R/n, but to the others? Never. It was lodged in your palm of your hand deeper than it was before as you had slammed your hand on the ground the seconds ago.

        Your other hand grabbed a hold of your wrist loosely as you were not allowed to eat this week, how did you manage to survive? Your stomach growled, your hand bled out more than your cuts had, and your leg was stinging, changing colors. Your hand that was wrapped around your wrist now grabbed a hold of the blade you had found in a sharpener, pulling it out.

        You stopped, you didn't think it would hurt this much, you didn't. A cloth on the bathroom sink gave you an idea to muffle your screams from the intensity, your hand scavenging the bathroom sink's counter as your lifted half of your body with core strength and one useful leg. Grabbing the cloth you put it in your mouth while biting it. Your hand navigated back to the blade as your pulled on it, biting down more.

        '3, 2, 1..' Pulling on it quickly you screamed as more blood gushed out of it as you used the cloth you had bit down on it to stop it bleeding. Footsteps rushed to the bathroom door as R/n had swung it open again. "I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN!"



         My eyes opened as I had not seen a single light, only darkness. The air was hot as I sweat, looking around in this strange box—or whatever I was in. Then it hit me, I was in the closet. Clothing above my head moved slightly as I turned my head looking around. I relocated my thoughts as then remembered my hand, my hand! I looked down at it, it had cloth wrapped around it.

        For my foot, he had done nothing to it but bruise it the last time he had opened that door. Why am I here? How—how can't I say anything? I'm so scared, I'm so scared. I known him, 2 fucking years, it was perfect and then it all changed, everything. I have too look my best, I have to clean, I have to do everything! What else does he want from me?

         A sudden fiddle with the lock on the door made me huddle in a ball. As it open he grabbed me by the shirt throwing me out of the closet. "You're fucking lucky I didn't forget about you. Make me something to eat you pig." He got closer to my face as I backed away in fear. "Don't try to escape."

        Nodding in a hurry I crawled away quickly, climbing down the stairs into the kitchen. My main focus was to leave him, it was my chance, I could escape! The kitchen was by the living room, if I passed them I could run! My urge to escape left me undecided as I turned my back to see him no where in sight.

   I ran.

         I ran as fast I could go, but it wasn't long. I felt stronge hands attack my throat as I was thrown toward a wall. An errie scream left my mouth as I had heard a cracking noise on impact, every bone in my body was now in an unbearable pain. A bang on the door and a few shouts of someone's name was called out as I...



My eyes closed as I heard something shatter and my name being called slowly fainted.


Why didn't I say anything?

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