The votes have been casted!

62 4 3

the eeveelutions are on the stage, eagerly awaiting whom has been elected Kalos King.

Admin: Welcome back one and all! It is finally time to reveal who has become Kalos King! The viewers at home have selected who they want to be the victor and have donated something special to each of the top three contestants! Here is the order of the contestants!

11) Nuke








Admin: and here are the final three!

In third place we have.... Sapphire !!!!

Sapphire: (Smiles) thank you to all the viewers!

Admin: In second we have.... Jib!

Jib: (Smiles wide) Thank you for your votes everyone!

Admin: Please give a warm round of applause to the first place holders...

Eevan: Wait, did he just say holders?

Admin: For the tie of first place, we have Caramel as Kalos King and Blade as Kalos Queen!

Caramel and Blade: (Stunned as two spot lights highlight them, applause being heard around the world)

Admin: Caramel and Blade, it is my sweet joy to tell you that you both won a week trip to Hawaii!

Caramel: (does a backflip) YAY!!!!

 Blade: (Smiles with a nod, jittering in place)

Admin: Jib, we are pleased to say that you win a two week apprentice ship to the great Houdini!

Jib: (flat out faints)

Admin: For you Sapphire, you have won yourself a thirty foot pool! We will come to your house to install it when you are ready!

Sapphire: (Screams in delight)

Admin: That is all for Kalos Most Talented! Thank you one and all!

Well, that is all for this part of the book! I and my friends off this website all got 100 points to decide who got what amount of points and the above list is the results! Hope you all enjoy!

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