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I always liked the colour blue. But I never knew that one could love a person and love their colour as well.
In my head and heart you were, sounded, tasted, looked and felt blue. But not any blue.
You sounded like baby blue.
You tasted like blueberry blue.
You looked like the blue when there are no clouds in the sky.
You felt like blue velvet.
You were the warmest blue anyone could ever imagine and eventually you made my love for you turn blue.
It was not until your blue started fading, and with it you faded too, and with you I faded too. When you realised you had no blue left you soaked all my shades and trapped them in a place you knew I would never reach.
Because you wouldn't let me reach it.
I swear I tried to get them back, I tried to love you harder and turn blue again, I tried to paint my soul and wait for it to spread all over my body again. None of that happened because when your colour is taken away from you, it doesn't come back unless the one who took it returns it. And you didn't.
I learned from you that blue is a sad yet loving colour, filled with the most controversial feelings. And it is capable of hurting.
But then again, I always liked the colour blue.


Fearlessly FearfulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora