Chapter 25 Strange things

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~Third Person P.O.V~
-Two days later-

After the other warriors had left the remaining went back to the earth to cool down and think about what had happened. During the time the other warriors were gone their seemed to be weird events going on. Throughout the two days the others halve were gone their seemed to be a storm brewing over the city. There was also a crack that appeared in the sky that none of the Warriors could get near without getting zapped by some unknown power. Along with the storm appearing over the city getting covering the crack from the population tension has also grown over the city.

It seems that people are starting to become really hateful along with the art around the city were getting taken down along with artist art seem to have art block like they lost their skill. It's just like their has been a weird force around the city and just mayhem for the city.

With everything going on the Warriors are trying to keep the city calm from the background and just trying not to get themselves caught.  It's like something has used a spell over the city keeping it in a constant gloomy like state.

 Since then there have also been some weird things that have been happening around the school such as the lights have been going haywire and students are just stopped coming to school for fear that another disaster might end up happening. Thought the school is almost done with construction the third floor has finally been fixed and they finally removed the burn marks had appeared when Tira's alternate self came to get Aaron, Tira, and Laura.

Ever since those days do the school's population has start to get smaller do to fear that they could get terribly injured when something else bad happens. Though the school is still up and running and they have also started construction of a new P.A.C that band will have their classes at and having a new stage for the Theater students to use.

With new things and repaired old things the Warriors have started to noticed that some other friends that hang around with have started to distance themselves from the Warriors. Even Damien has started to hang out with Dean and also with Lawrence and Luna and Moon have been going out with Sammy. Sophia and Abbygail have been out with Sophie, at Sophie's house which is in an area of the city that is starting to be renovate. Even Slay and Mira who really don't like each other do past experiences are hanging out together with Chase. 

As well as the rest of their friends also hanging out with the new guys which really aren't new since they have been in the city for almost 2 months or so. So after a while the Warriors have decided to go into their human form so they could get a perspective of what the city folk and what some of their class mates think about what is happening.

Now that the Warriors were back to their human forms they started to walk around the school to see that many of the students were missing. Laura went and found Aji and Neb sitting around with Ana who was showing them something on her phone to them and quickly hid it when Laura got really close to them.

"Hey so what are you guys up to" Laura said as she sat with the three of them "Oh nothing much just hanging out" Aji said as she pulled out Orchestra binder to practice some of her music "Oh so uh how do you feel about all the weird events that are happening around town" Laura asked as she looked over at Aji Violin music "Oh yeah it's really weird on their are just random clouds around yet no sign of a storm to happen along with how the people in the town have started to act terrible to each other" Neb said as he pulled out his instrument so he could practice along side with Aji

"Yeah it is weird I wonder why their are clouds just staying over the town so anyways I've got to go see you all later" Laura said as she got up and went out towards the doors and out the giant windows "Alright see you later Wa- Laura" Ana said as Laura has left but paused for a sec but kept walking out and walked out the the doors to go meet up with some other friends to see what they think about all the stuff that is happening around the town

~Third Person P.O.V of other Warriors~

As Laura left them to go see if she could find any other her friends something was happening to the other Warriors who had left. For the other Warriors it has been only an hour that has passed and they are still trapped within their ancestors creations throne room within the force field that Aaron made to protect himself and the other Warriors.

As time has passed the force field had been getting weaker do to the fact that the orbs were getting were getting weak since the Warriors were heavily damaged and didn't have Deer with them to heal them. Since the orbs were getting weak cracks were starting to form on the force field do to the constant beating from the creatures. After a while the Warriors had finally gotten themselves together and ready to start fighting against the creatures who seemed to be distracted do to having a full out argument.

Aaron let the shield down and him and the fellow warriors made their way over to attack the creatures when all of a sudden a beam shot out from the darkness and sent Tiffany and Adam flying back. Aaron quickly tried to put another force field up when another beam came their way and shot Aaron back and knocking him into Adam and Tiffany. In the darkness there seemed to be  10 Elder version of the creatures but their was no Demon and Angel but their was an Elder that looked like a giant lizard with scaly wings and a giant bird like creature with the hind legs of a lion and giant wings. Yadiira Kimmy and Tira tried to get their friends who were hit by the beams and get them out of there but were shot down as well.

-halve an hour later-

Adam started to wake up after getting hit by that beam that those old looking creatures shot at them he tried to move but his arms where chained up to the same type of stuff that had him and the other warriors trapped. Adam started to shake and tried to get the chains off and to also try to wake up the fellow Warriors who were scattered around the dungeon that, Adam even tried to overload the chains like Tira did but didn't have enough energy to try to overload the chains and just went limb from being so exhausted and just stopped so he could regain his energy.

After about another halve hour Aaron awoke and decided to do a really risky act, he decided to try and pry the glove and his inky like arm after a few minutes of trying he finally got it off and once he was able to get control of a little of it he shattered the chain on his other arm and then started to release the other Warriors. Right as they where finally broke the chains their was a giant explosion from outside. When they got out of the chains they started to burst through the many corridors to see explosions through what seemed to be the main square.

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