Chapter 21: A Familiar Face

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Chapter 21

 A Familiar Face

            Dearekk sat outside the cave, gazing at Raydale in the distance. He knew that everything he left behind was waiting for him in that city. Soon, he would have to face all of the humans and the customs that he left behind when he fled with Sonya. Lost in thought, he didn’t notice Sonya come up behind him.

            “What are you thinking about?” she asked in a whisper, startling him.

            He shrugged. “Just about going into the city and seeing…humans again.” It felt strange to call them that, as if he wasn’t one of them anymore.

            Sonya looked out towards the city, without shifting her stare, she whispered in a soft voice, “You know, it’s okay to be part of two races.”

            Dearekk’s head jerked to the side. How had she known his fears? “But what do you do when one half of you is trying to kill the other half?” he replied bitterly. “How can I be part of both if they constantly fight for dominance over me?”

            Finally, Sonya turned to look at him. “I can’t exactly say I can relate to your situation,” she admitted, “But I do think that if anyone could find a way to bring two warring nations together, it would be you.”

            “Hey!” Dearekk turned to see Zabin jogging towards them. “We’re getting ready to go,” he said, facing Sonya.  “Nyx says we need supplies, so we’ll go to the market.”

            Sonya nodded, then let out a laugh. “Won’t you be a bit… conspicuous with those,” she gestured towards his wings.”

            “No, Raydale is a travel spot,” the Seer stepped out from the cave. “There should be plenty of fay, humans and elves there, especially because it is market week.” He turned to Sonya; “All the same, you should hide your ears like you did when you raided the King’s treasury.”

            Sonya looked stunned. “How did you know about that?” she asked in a bewildered voice.

            A wry smile escaped the Seer’s lips. “Simply walking behind enemy lines and coming back unscathed is not a minor feat. We hear quite a few things back at Imperia.”

            The fay princess, Nyx strode out and slapped her brother on the arm. “Don’t encourage her,” she snapped at him, and then turned to Dearekk and Sonya. “Buy only what you need, barging a bit, but not as much to be remembered, and whatever you do, don’t draw unnecessary attention to yourselves. We may be out of Imperia, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t people looking for you still. If you let your guard down, it may be the last thing you ever do.” With those words she began to walk down the road.


“Catch!” Whirling around just in time, Dearekk managed to catch a bag not inches away from his face. A look passed over Nyx’s face that looked almost like disappointment before she turned back to the shopkeeper she was talking to.

            Dearekk couldn’t help but let out a snort. She had been testing him all day, throwing things at him, “dropping” valuable merchandise from the stands in the market. She did it so often he was starting to think that she was hoping that he would fail. Glancing up and down the street, he saw Sonya bartering with a merchant, the Seer by her side and Zabin a couple stalls down. The plan was to act like they weren’t together, but stay in signaling distance.

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