Chapter 23: Dealings with a Dwarf

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Chapter 23

Dealings with a Dwarf

            The old building seemed to consume Eron’s figure as he disappeared in front of Dearekk. Nyx, the Seer, Sonya and himself were all standing in the alley, waiting while Eron hopefully found a dwarf willing to help them.

            Dearekk’s mind wandered to the rest of their company. Enoka was off on a mission for Eron, and Zabin had stayed behind to talk to some other leaders in the city.

Dearekk let out a snort. Zabin. He had never really like the fay anyways. To be honest he was almost happy that the boy was staying behind. Why Sonya kissed him, remained a mystery to Dearekk. It wasn’t as though there was anything special about him.

Eron stepped back outside the building, jerking Dearekk from his thoughts. “There is one,” Eron said, a scowl on his face. “But his price is not cheap and he isn’t the most…trustworthy dwarf around.”

“What so we’re just hiring a dwarf who is going to steal our money and leave?” the Seer snapped, his arms crossed across his chest as he leaned against the alley wall. He rolled his eyes, a look of contempt on his face.

“No,” Eron shot back, “You are hiring a dwarf who might steal your money and leave.”

“That’s such a comfort,” the Seer replied sarcastically.

Eron’s eyes narrowed. “He wants to see you and the elf-child,” he spat at Dearekk. “But be careful, he’s not in a good mood.”

“Why do we even need a guide?” Nyx asked. “You know where the entrance is, so just take us there!”

Whirling on her, Eron hissed out, “Because I know where the entrance is, but I know nothing after that. What I know is just a door, and after that door is a maze of passages, dead ends and traps. You wouldn’t make it ten minutes in there! I found you a dwarf and that is all I can, and will, do for you.” With those words, Eron began to walk away.

“Wait!” Dearekk called out. “What’s his name?”

Eron didn’t even look back. “Kotn,” he replied just before the shadows swallowed him.

Dearekk turned to Sonya as a grimace crossed his features. “Well,” he said, “let’s go make a deal with a dwarf.”

As he walked into the building, it was as though he was walking into another world. Instead of being abandoned, ancient and full of spider webs like he had expected, it was a merry tavern with people eating, drinking and laughing.

Sonya was the first to make a move. Walking up to a wasted man, she tapped him on the shoulder. As he turned around drunkenly, she asked in a curt voice, “Kotn?”

The man waved his hand in the general direction of a beaten, wood door, and let out an unintelligible grunt before promptly falling off his chair.

Looking at Sonya, Dearekk shrugged and began to walk towards the door. Wrapping his hand around the iron doorknob, his grey eyes met Sonya’s green ones for a second. Then he opened the door.

A dim light lit the room from the glowing embers in the hearth, and a lone figure sat at a table. “What?” a masculine voice snapped. “What do you want? Why are you here?”

Dearekk stepped forward, “We wish to negotiate terms of travel.”

“Ah,” the dwarf said gruffly. “So you are the half-elf Eron was speaking of. Where is the elf-child?” He looked around the room, beady eyes searching for Sonya.

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