Chapter 2 Part 1

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I don't own Twilight but I do own Cassie, Alex and Ty

Cassie’s P.O.V

Me and Nessie spent the next few hours talking it felt like only a few hours for me, well Nessie did all the talking, I just wrote on my notepad, which is nearly full with writing; because having a conversation for hours non-stop fills the page with writing in my notepad. We both talked about TV shows films, music, celebrities and other things Nessie told me about her boyfriend which she’s been in a long term relationship. “Nessie it’s getting late, I think you should show Cassie her bedroom” Rosalie who was flickering through a fashion magazine on the couch next to us. “Okay lets go Cass, I think you’re going to like your new room, Alice Rosalie and Esme decorated it; so I hope you’ll like it and live it” Nessie said to me then she grabbed my right hand and pulled me up off the couch and up the wooden stairs, I noticed the wall on the left had lots of graduation caps framed up ‘ Creepy ‘ I thought to myself; Nessie came to a stop when we were on the third floor, the third floor.

“Cassie your room is the one on the right and my room is the one on the left” Nessie said to me she walked over to the right room which is my new room I followed behind her. The room was amazing there was a queen sized bed, a desk which had an apple computer on, there was a huge book shelf and a 15 inch TV then next to the TV was 5 empty shelves, I was speechless it was amazing is this real is this going to be my new room and two doors. “I thought you’ll like it, I’ll leave you to settle in and things you must be tired so if you don’t come down for dinner you can have a shower and other things; you got your own clothes closet and your own bathroom bye” Nessie said and smiled then see left I was bye myself.

I opened the door on the left, the room contained lots of brand new clothes; at the bottom were over 30 pairs of shoes high-heeled shoes, sandals flats and boots. Then a rack with beautiful dresses and another rack with tops, sun-tops and skirts. Then a shelf with jeans, shorts and sweat-pants and another shelf with tops, jumpers, vests. There was a dresser with draws, the first draw had underwear, and bra’s the second draw had lots of make-up and the third draw had jewellery in it. I feel like a princess who came back to her kingdom and has a family. I walked back out of the closet closed the door behind mw; then I investigated the next door the bathroom was fine, sanitise and it smells of vanilla and jasmine it was fine and sparkling clean. I went back to the bedroom I put my guitar next to my bed and I picked up the laptop from the desk. Laying the bed turning on the laptop First I put a password onto the laptop. I log into facebook and I see that Ty is online about a minute later a message appeared.

Ty: Hey Cass, how is the new place are you locked up in a dungeon or something.

Cass: It’s not a dungeon Ty and the Cullen’s are loaded.

Ty: That’s cool and there someone who wants to talk to you, you forgot something; you forgot to say goodbye to Alex.

(Alex is Cassie’s best friend, they dated two or three times for a couple of years, Alex’s characters will be revealed in chapters to come). 

Alex: You said goodbye to Ty but not me

Cass: Yow was out Alex so I couldn’t have told you I’m sorry

Alex: Maybe I could save up get money and bye cheap tickets and fly over to see you and I’ll bring Ty too.

Cass: That sound great I got to take a shower, I’ll talk to you soon and say bye for Ty for me x

I said goodbye to Alex then I logged off, I took a long and refreshing shower it was very relaxing letting the water wash off all the dirt and grime making my skin all clean and fresh. I stayed in the shower for about half an hour, I didn’t bother to blow-dry my hair I let it dry naturally in its own time because it was too much hassle and I was tired. I left the bathroom and went into the closet to find something to sleep in and I found a tank top and some pyjamas shorts, then I pulled my damp hair into a messy bun. Afterwards I changed I un-packed my suitcases, one of my suitcases had my anime stuff and the second one I had all my clothes in I put all my Manga books on the empty shelves  next to the TV I put my black butler 1-10 then my Naruto Manga books 1,2,3,35,40,44 then my bleach Manga books 25,26,27,28 then vampire Knight Manga books 1-15 they filled 2 shelves on the spare shelf I put my Deidara, Hidan, Ichigo Plushie next to each other my Kakashi and Itachi Plushies sleep next to me in my bed.  I had some DVD’s on another shelf some anime DVD’s. I got into the bed and hit the hay I fell asleep in minutes the bed was so soft the silk covers.

The next morning when I woke up I stumbled lazily to the bathroom, I was still half asleep, I brushed my teeth then I combed my long soft bronze hair  then I tied it back into a messy bum. I left the bathroom then I found a pair of my old jeans a vampire knight t-shirt (which I love) I found my favourite pair of converse they had an anime girl with long white hair on the sides. I looked at the screen of my phone it was half eight in the morning so I decided to come out of hibernation. When I walked downstairs to the bottom floor I saw that Ness was watching TV whilst Emmet and Japer were debating about something and Bella and Edward were cuddling up to each over on the “Love couch”; Alice and Rosalie were flicking through fashion magazines and Esme was in the kitchen cleaning I think Carlisle is at work or something. This all seems like a typical family, when Ness saw me she jumped off the couch and then she skipped over to me she was all happy and stuff. “Cassie your finial up, did you sleep well?” “Oh yeah today we are going to La-Push” Ness said to me all hyperly, ok how have given her a monster energy drink this morning.

I grabbed my notepad and a pen from my back pocket which was in my jeans then I started writing a reply back “What’s La-Push?” I wrote down and gave her the notepad, “Oh La Push is a village near Forks and Jake lives there I can introduce you two to each other and then introduce you to the pack” Nessie said to me. I heard Esme voice she was asking me something then when I looked at her I could see that she was signing it in sign language at the same time. “Cassie dear do you want some breakfast, we got some cereal co-co pops. “ Sure thanx” I signed to her, me and Ness sat on one of the breakfast stools, she was blabbering on about stuff then Esme came with my co-co pops in a bowl. After I finished my delicious bowl of co-co pops Alice came over to us. “We need to help you, you have no sense in fashion lets go Cassie” Alice said to me offending me a little bit what’s wrong with how I dress? Then the next moment I was being dragged up stairs to my bedroom with Alice dragging me I was like a dog being dragged on a leach. I plopped myself on the bed whilst Alice was searching through my closet for some clothes for me to wear then she came back we clothes and a happy expression on her face. Then I realised something I’m her toy to dress up I was a Barbie doll who she could play dress up with Help me?

Alice gave me some clothes then I went into the bathroom to get changed Alice gave me a American flag tank top, blue ripped jeans, cream coloured high heeled shoes and a crescent moon earrings and a heart charm necklace, diamond shape shield ring a rainbow moonstone ring, and I had my normal locket around my neck which I always wore every day. Then after I put the clothes and jewellery on I went back to the bedroom to where Alice was Alice did my make- up and hair then I looked in to the mirror seeing a beautiful girl is that really me? “Now you look like a Cullen” Alice said then hugging me then we walked downstairs to where the others were, and everyone smiled

A/N: Links to Cassie's outfit + room is on my profile

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