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'Thank you for coming shopping with me Lynette,' I said as we brought the groceries in.

'Any time dear. Glad I could help.' She shut the trunk of the explorer and we headed inside. 'When are your parents coming?'

I glanced at the time, four o'clock. 'Their flight is supposed to land at six, so a few more hours. Think we can send Leo and Hunter to get them?' She nodded and starting putting the purchases on the island counter.

My phone began ringing, and I saw it was Hunter.

'Hey sweetheart, what time are your parents coming in?'

'They said the flight will land at six...'

'Okay, I will head home shortly, and my dad and I will go get them.'

'Perfect. Thanks sweetheart.'

Lynette and I started making food for dinner, a vegetable lasagna, fish and salad was tonight's menu. Hunter swung by the house at five thirty to pick up his dad and headed to the airport. About quarter to six, the doorbell rang and Sam was at the door with an Easter Lily and dessert. 'Oh Sam thank you,' I said, gathering the flowers from him and getting a hug in. 'You didn't have to. Come on in. Hunter just went to get my parents. Sam followed me into the kitchen where he caught up briefly with Lynette.

Dinner was just being put on the table as Hunter, Leo and my parents came in. Everyone said hello, hugging and was cheerful. We enjoyed a family dinner, a lot of talk about the baby and Hunter's upcoming album.

After dinner, Hunter and Sam cleaned up the dishes while I showed our grandparents-to-be the nursery. 'This looks so nice sweetie,' my mom said, hugging me from the side.

'How much longer,' my dad asked, 'What's the due date?'

'Twelve weeks,' I said excitedly, 'The doctor said July ninth through eleventh.' Mine and Hunter's parents admired the maternity photos we had done. 'There are nice,' my dad added. 'When we were going to have you, we still have cameras where we had to put the film in' he chuckled.

We made our way back downstairs where the guys set out various desserts on the table with coffee and tea. The evening was spent chatting mostly, until about eleven when we all started getting tired. Sam headed home, Hunter's parents went downstairs to the basement suite and I showed my parents to their guest room upstairs.

The Easter weekend rushed by, and Monday after brunch we were saying our good byes. Hunter's parents were taking mine to the airport on their drive home. Hunter and I waved until their SUV was out of sight, 'That was a nice weekend,' I sighed, Hunter rested his hands on my shoulders.

'It was,' he agreed, 'I like having our parents visit together. It's so nice to have the family together, especially during such an eventful time.' We headed back into the house and I gathered the bed sheets and headed to the laundry room. Hunter cleaned up the kitchen and I emerged from the laundry room, practically out of breath.

'You okay babe?' I nodded, putting my hand on the side of my belly.

'I'm just out of breath,' I said, heading toward the couch. Hunter finished cleaning up and headed over to me with a glass of water. 'Thanks, Hunt.' I sipped the water, feeling my breathing slow down to normal. 'I think, if you don't mind, I'm just gonna rest here for a bit.'

'Of course babe,' Hunter said, getting me an extra pillow to prop myself up as I lay on the couch. He maneuvered me so my legs were stretched over his lap. 'What do you wanna watch?' He asked, dlipping through channels.

A TMZ commercial news break flashed across the screen, Hunter paused, 'Today we are looking at the pregnancy wardrobes of Jenna Hayes, Cassadee Pope and Hilary Duff' Hunter chuckled, looking over at me.

I shrugged, 'What can they say,' I laughed, 'I live in leggings and oversized knit sweaters'. Just as I finished my sentence, I heard the tv host say, 'Throughout her pregnancy, and now at almost thirty one weeks, Jenna Hayes, the wife of country star Hunter Hayes has favoured leggings in her wardrobe. In January, before announcing her pregnancy, Jenna looked glam at the Grammys in a black gown with an empire waist. We caught Jenna at the grocery store with her mother-in-law in Nashville, rocking a solid colour maxi dress and denim jacket. She's totally glowing.' Hunter flicked the channel, 'These people get creepy when they sit in the bushes, watching you while you go grocery shopping.'

I nodded, 'It's pathetic.' We silently flipped through the channels, and came across the MTV Movie Awards rerun. Hunter made some popcorn and we spent the afternoon cozied up on the couch.

'Twelve more weeks,' he said, placing his hand on my belly. 'I'm so excited.' his blue eyes beaming. I put my hand on top of his, shifting it to the left a bit. His eyes widened, 'wow', he whispered.

'I was reading one of my books, and it was saying that the baby is on a twelve-to fourteen hour sleep schedule and is strong enough to grasp a finger.' Hunter smiled.

'What kind of stuff do we have left to do?' he asked.

'We could probably go through what we have, and see what we need for clothes, diapers, and we need a stroller and car seat.' I added, 'I will eventually get around to packing a hospital bag.' Hunter nodded again, absorbing all of this information.

'Well I think the next two weeks are going to be tight at the studio,' he said warily, 'I got the dates for CMA Fest, and maybe if you make a list we can go shopping?'

'When is it?' I asked, my eyes wide. The CMA Fest was the original country music festival and took place in Nashville. I've been going every year that Hunter and I had been dating. I didn't want to miss it.

'June sixth through the tenth,' he said. 'I perform twice. Do you think you will be up for doing a song or two together?'

'Can we see where I'm at?' I asked, thinking that I can't predict how I'll feel in six weeks. 'I'll definitely attend your shows though. I wouldn't miss that.' I picked up his hand, planting a kiss on it. He patted my legs and scooted out from underneath me, coming back with his acoustic guitar. I shut of the TV, and Hunter began strumming, I recognized the tune from his Storyline album.

He began singing Still Falling as I placed both of my hands over my belly, feeling the movements of the baby inside. I smiled, 'I think our baby is going to have some musical talent.' Hunter smiled and kept playing. He played 'More' from the his music video project prior to the record Playback .I smiled, I loved when Hunter sang, and he knew all of my favourite songs.

Hunter got up, putting his guitar away and headed to the kitchen, preheating the oven for pizza. We had dinner and went for a short walk afterwards. The mild April air began getting heavy, hinting a thunderstorm was coming. 'Did you have any baby names in mind,' I asked Hunter as we made our way around the neighborhood.

He nodded, 'I've thought about it.' He smiled, 'But I want to hear your ideas, I know you have some.' I smiled, and nodded.

'Tell me your thoughts, and be honest,' I said, holding my pinkie up for a promise, 'If we have a girl, I want her middle name to be Joelle.' Hunter smiled, unlatching from my hand, wrapping his arm around my back.

'I like that.' He kissed my cheek. 'Any ideas if we have a boy?'

'Of course,' I laughed, 'I like the names Cole, Max and Ryder.'

'Hmm, Max Hayes,' he said, testing out the name.

'Well, Max Easton Hayes,' I corrected him. 'I also like Easton Ryder Hayes,' I suggested, and Hunter's eyes lit up.

'I like that,' he smiled. 'Okay, well what about a girl's first name?'

'Madison, Sutton or Katelyn' I listed.

'Katelyn Joelle Hayes' Hunter smiled, 'I like that too. Keep a list. I don't think we can totally choose until we meet him or her.'

'I agree', I said as we walked back up our drive way. 'That was a good walk,' I said unlocking the door.

Within several minutes of getting in the house, thunder cracked across the sky, 'And we finished in good timing' Hunter noted, as we headed up for showers and bed.

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