Eleventh Letter

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Dearest Best Friend,

Hi bes! How are you? Sorry I got angry at you in the last letter. I didn't mean to but you shouldn't have done that. I suppose I should scold you personally but my parents won't allow me to go there alone unless I am with my mom or dad or my sister but they can't because they were busy. Anyway, we're going to move to my grandpa's house and it's in the city. We're not going to see each other anymore. Sorry for not telling you this. I wish I could but we're already in high school and we were both busy in studies and projects. Oh yeah, I heard that my former teacher there became a nun. I know, I was surprised when my sister told that to us but I'm glad. She's my former Christian Living Education (C.L.E.) teacher and she was the one who taught us about the first communion.

So, how was your school? Made new friends? I'm pretty sure you did it without me there and I did it too in my new school. Well, my classmates made fun of one our teacher who was sleeping in the hallway. It was really funny and his class was also laughing; we were surprised that he didn't wake up after what my classmates did to him. (LOL!) Some took a picture of him sleeping. I hope you did the same in your school but I know you can't because the nuns are roaming around the school checking the students on how they were all doing during and after class hours, sometimes while the teacher were discussing the nun is at the back watching all of you and you were praying not to call you by your teacher. They were very strict especially when you don't want to attend the Friday mass but you really have to because some of the teachers are roaming around checking if all of the students are present in the gym. I know, I know it's not boring but really, that huge electric fan was in front of you and you were drowning from it and sometimes there's no electric fan so you have to bring your own fan. Don't have a fan then endure the heat.

Hoping you had fun with your friends, S.

Your ex-best friend,


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