Twenty-Fourth Letter

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Dearest Best Friend,

It's been a while since I opened my Facebook again... I searched for your account and voila! I found it! But I was a bit surprised that you already became a mother... I mean your boyfriend got you pregnant and not just that, you replaced me. You had a new best friend! You forgot about me! Is it because of that mistake that I made since we were high school?! Gosh S!! That is years ago and you still can't move on! Damn it!!! I apologized to you for so many times but you didn't forgive me! Now, I found out that you had a new best friend because of that past?! Damn it S! Really? I thought we were best friends... but I guess not anymore! You're such a bitch. I treat you like a sister and I didn't replace you but you did replace me by someone. That's your karma, getting pregnant at a very young age. You stopped going to school, is it because those people who were looking or staring at you with disgust; well they should be!

Hence, your parents also got mad at you because of what you've done! They were working hard for you to graduate college because you are their only child but what did you do? You waste all of it by getting pregnant? Is it because you're tired going to school and you chose it to be like that. Look! Yes I am furious for what you did in your life. Yes, that is your life and I have my own life. You were a bright child. I'm hoping you should see it first to everything. No, sorry, no I am not angry at you for getting pregnant but I am mad at you because you replace me with a new one. So... we're back to square one? No? Okay. I'm not going to chat or talk to you. I'm just going to check your Facebook account rarely because I am busy in school activities. Lots of projects, tours, events, etc.

So... yeah! I'll write you a letter soon, S! See you Pucca! *chuckles*

Your ex-best friend,


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