Chapter 5

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{ Sam POV }

I went to the hospital with her expecting the usual . nothing different just the usual stitches and stomach pump, but what I found out instead made me cry on point .

"Ms. Crutly ?" The nurse politely asked around .

"Yes ?"

"May I take you in the back to talk to the doctor please ?" She said more nervously .. that was my first hint in knowing something was wrong .

"There's something wrong isn't there ? what is it !" I asked immediately as the doctor walked in . he looked up concerned and I started to cry .

"Ms . Crutly it seems whatever Kayla did, did some serious damage she cut very deep slicing a vain . whatever pills she took caused some internal bleeding in which we are trying to plug up right now, but the longer it bleeds the more we loose hope ... I'm sorry ."

"NO ! You will keep trying and make sure she comes out alive or else she won't be the last one you lose in this hospital ! please .. just do what you can ."

"We will ." he smiled and led me back to the lobby . that's when Matt texted me and I knew I had to tell him and I knew he would not take it lightly she is like his sister I cried even more at the thought .

Matt walked in with Jc, Chris, and Crawford and they all looked at me in concern and I just kept looking at Matt . He said something to the other guys and ran over.

I didn't know what to say or how to say it, but I knew he wouldn't be happy to find out from the doctor so I took a deep breath and told him.

He called the other guys over while crying and cried even more while telling them..

{ Jc POV }

I just didn't understand what was going on I couldn't comprehend anything . I cried just as much as anyone else, but I didn't have a close personal relationship with her I didn't really know what she was like outside of this .

I looked at Matt and he just seemed completely out of it and I felt bad for him. I know him and Kayla were close as hell and if my sister was gonna die I sure as hell wouldn't take it so well .

Right then he snapped . I feel as if I might've jinxed it . he ran out of the hospital and punched the wall screaming and crying in pain and misery . I ran out after him and grabbed his arms and tackled him to the floor and he soon gave up just hyperventilating every once in a while from crying so hard.

"He'll be fine just a mental break down, a few broken fingers, and bloody knuckles he'll heal pretty quickly."

"Thank you doctor," I replied.

"I'm sorry Jc .. but thank you for being there for me ."

"Matt I know we only just met but just know I will always be there for those who are there for me ..." I simply looked at him and smiled .

{ Kayla POV }

I awoke to a freezing breeze and wanted to get up to close the window of my room only to find I wasn't in my room .

I started to freak out a little wondering where I was then I remembered the familiar curtains . I was in the hospital again .

"Matt?" I looked over

"Oh my gosh kayla let me go get a nurse and tell them you woke up ." he ran to the room next door and grabbed the nurse. they ran back quickly and she checked the machines next to me and my breathing patterns.

"Matt ? how long was I out ?" he started crying and just looked me in the eyes, I grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek reassuring him I was fine .

"Only 2 and a half weeks , but so much has happened in that little of time," he sniffles.

"Well once you get me out of this hell hole your gonna tell me everything . okay ?" He nodded in agreement.

"But we need everyone it takes all of us to explain this to you ." I just smiled at him letting him know all will be okay .

Later that night I was released and Matt and I raced home . I needed to find out what was going on .

{ Chris POV }

1 week before

"Chris she will wake up soon we know it."

"Yea and when she does how are we supposed to explain to her about her parents ?" I asked.

"We've kept it a secret before we can do it now !"

"Who said I could ..." I walked away from everyone and the conversation

I had wanted to call Kayla's parents to let them know what was going on, but Matt and Logan wouldn't allow me to call them and I couldn't figure out why.

"Matt, why can't I call them and let them know their daughter is in the hospital ?!?!"

"BECAUSE THERE ARE NO PARENTS TO CALL !!!" I just stood there and stared at him my mouth open .

"What, what do you mean ?" he explained everything to me .

When kayla moved a few years back she had left her parents behind. got a new number, email, everything just to avoid them . about a year back her parents died in a car accident and the police somehow got in contact with sam and told her.
she had told the boys and asked if she should tell kayla and they told her no because it would ruin her and they thought she wouldn't care in some ways. So they've kept it a secret this whole time.

"Woah wait you're telling me you've been keeping this HUGE secret from Kayla !?"

"Basically .." Sam came around the corner responding, Matt just looked at the ground .

"And she doesn't need to know okay ? we will all tell her together eventually ...." Logan yelled toward Crawford, Jc, and I .

"Okay okay we won't say anything without you guys ." Jc said quickly and Craw and I both nodded .

"Good ..." Logan and Sam nodded as well, Matt still staring in the distance, but I knew they couldn't keep that kind of secret forever .

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