Chapter 10

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{ Kayla POV }

it was early, but I couldn't tell how early. All I knew was I was groggy & still wanted to sleep.
Last night is a blur and there is only one thing for sure. I talked to everybody except for Lindsey, Matt and Rachael.

"Chris? what are you doing ?!" I saw him sitting at the foot of my bed looking through his twitter.

"Just checking up on you. why, what's up?" he seemed to laid back.

"IDK !! You tell me, you snuck in here & sat on my bed. What is really going on, because I know for a fact you wouldn't be doing this unless something happened."

"okay, okay. Matt had a nervous breakdown last night."

"by nervous break down you mean...."

"yeah. Matt had a panic attack. Luckily, Jc walked into the room right when it happened. He took control & got help immediately. Matt's resting in his room." Chris looked at me concerned.

"Chris. I'm fine. But I want to see him. Now."

"okay." Chris walked out of my room to go & let Matt know that I wanted to see him.

{ Chris POV }

I walked out of the room partly because Kayla was getting ready and partly because I needed to let Matt know Kayla wanted to see him.
I knocked on the door.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Yo Matt it's Chris can I come in bro?"

"...... yeah I guess." Matt sounded unsure with his decision. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"look I know we haven't exactly been on the same page for the past few weeks, but we really need to start getting along because we are hurting the girl we're both in love with. Don't deny it. She wants to come in & talk to you to see how you're doing. I'll leave & let you guys be when she's ready."

"Yeah... Hey. Thanks Chris." Matt said and I smirked & walked out the door.

{ Matt POV }

Kayla walked in shortly after Chris walked out & I could hear him still standing outside the door talking to Sam.

"Hey buddy." she smiled at me.

"oh stop. I know I'm not your favorite person right now don't act like I am." I looked back to the TV.

"what are you talking about?"

"you know exactly what I'm talking about Kayla. you do it to me every time something bad happens. you run to me for someone to lean on & help you through it all, but that's Chris' job now."

"Are you serious Matt !? I came in here to check on you & make sure you were doing okay, but I can see that you're still the same cocky asshole." she looked over at me.

"even if you think I use you when I need you & now that I have Chris it gives me an excuse not to. I'll still come to you for help because whether I have chris or not it doesn't change the fact that you're my best friend." With that she left the room without turning back.

I heard her sob into Chris' shoulder when she got outside of my room. I felt terrible & I knew I was going to be getting some shit from Chris soon enough.

{ Chris POV }

Kayla walked out of the room with silent tears falling down her cheeks & I ran up to her & wrapped my arms around her.

She sobbed quietly into me.

"what happened babe?" I asked quietly as I picked her up & brought her into my room.

"he hates me." she stared up at me with blood shot eyes.

"hey, hey now. he does not hate you, he loves you. with all his heart, I can promise you that." I kissed her forehead & she brought her lips up to mine.

{ Kayla POV }

I don't know what happened. One second I was crying into Chris' shoulder the next I was kissing him & for some reason I wanted it to go further.

"what time is it?" I mumbled into the air in between kisses.

"we'd have to stop kissing for me to check that." he continued kissing me.

"then never mind." I smiled into our kiss.

next thing I knew we were undressing one another. He kissed my neck softly & I let my head fall back.



{ Chris POV }

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face as I looked down & saw Kayla laying on my chest.

She makes me the happiest person alive & she has no idea.

I walked downstairs & all the guys started whistling & smirking at me.

"oh boy don't tell me the paparazzi came through last night." I winked at them.

"nope just a few horny boys." Sam laughed & looked over at the4 boys laughing in the corner.


"where's Kayla? did you kill her?"

"no I didn't. she's still sleeping." I laughed.

"alright well I made breakfast, it's on the table go wake up Kayla & tell her."

"will do MOM." I walked back upstairs & back into my room. Kayla was taking a shower & had all her clothes on the bed.

I turned on the TV & laid back in bed.

"Hey Chris!"

"yeah babe!"

"can you grab me a towel?"

"yeah sure thing." I grabbed 2 because I wanted to take a shower after she was done.
I opened the bathroom door & she was still in the shower so I opened the curtain & handed her the towel. She smiled at me and dried herself off.

"last night was the best." she smiled at me & kissed my neck as she walked up behind me standing in front of the mirror.

"yes it was. now get out I need to shower!" I kissed her & turned the water back on.

"ugh. okay love." she laughed then walked back out.

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